Friday, July 30, 2010 better be fun.

So I said we stayed home all week. Thursday night as Emily went to bed she said "mommy what are we doing tomorrow?" I said "I don't know..." Knowing full well what we were doing. She said "well whatever it is, it better be FUN." I laugh my kids are use to doing stuff almost everyday. But we have had lot of unexpected expense this month and not had money. And I am tired!!! So we went to this new place in Cool Springs called Peek a Boo Playtown. It was not that great thought all of us parents but the kids like it!! Having three kids it was expensive!! It was crazy busy but again the kids liked it. We got there right when it opened so we had a good two hours before I was DONE!!! So that was my something fun and the girls liked it. Again the camera around my neck never works out I thought I need to bring it and I did NOT!! CRAP. So next we went to get hair cuts!!! Yes all three girls, i know Chloe is so young don't cut her hair. Umm I don't want to have the Mullet kid any longer and I did. They did a great job. Snip its in Franklin, again pricey but good job. Emily just got a trim Ashley needed one bad with curls she has her hair is growing out funky. And again with mullet girl/helmet.

Update this week.

So this past week we have stayed low key. We had a busy couple of weeks with VBS, and family visiting. I deiced the girls just needed some down time to re coupe, gear up for the busy fall ahead with Emily starting school, soccer, ballet and Girl scouts. Ohh my what have I gotten into??? Anyway so we have hung out at home all week the girls had a baby sitter, Thursday I need to leave my kids more because they were crazy when I got home. Good for the baby sitter(thank you, GOD.) We went to the pool one day. We use to go to the pool a lot, but it is so hot in the water, no joke it must be like 85 degrees in the pool. Its like human soup!! yuck. So we have just been at home. I am going to post a picture of Chloe coloring. She really likes pens and pencils. She likes to color at 13months so this is how I found her the other day hiding. She got quite and I knew I had to see what she was up too.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Big Emily's, Big day.

So on a side note our neighbor Emily got batized on Sunday night. She got batized at the second performance that we had to miss since my family was with me and the girls were hungry. But Cindy stayed with my camera and got a few pictures for Kevin. We enjoy knowing and being neighbors with the Whitfield family. Big Emily is what we call her only because she is older then our Emily she is NOT big. We always say we need to call her Emily Anna. But I am so proud of Emily Anna, she has been wanting to be batized for awhile and has had to prove herself at the church. So here are a few pictures. I think back to about 11 months ago when I was batized there too. I pray that Emily will have a blessed life.

Thompson Station VBS

So I mention before about Thompson Station VBS. We all went I think Ashley enjoyed it the most, Emily had her highs and lows. But all in all it was a good week. My dad was here for the end of week performance on Sunday night. So we all went to watch Emily sing. I should mention Emily likes to sing her own songs about GOD not someone else's songs about GOD. There are a ton of people that come to the VBS so there is lots of kids. I buy the CD so the girls can listen to the songs at home too. We try to conform Emily but she is a free spirit. The video quality is horrible, but its what I got and a few pics. Well it seems the video is so bad it won't upload. Sorry. I will also mention Emily was excited about this performance for the fact that her dad could come, since he was at work for the last one. In Michael's defence it was at 11 in the morning. I will give a shout out that Cindy, came and she was early. It really means a lot to us all that the family comes to see the girls.

Cont. Uncle Marcus

Okay so I finished the last blog update and felt guilty about not talking about my brother more. I love my brother but I do not know him well he is very shy, we are born on the same day. This year I turn 29 and he turns 12 what more can I say? I feel like he is more my nephew then my brother we lived together for about 6 months before I moved out.
He came to visit us a couple of summers ago it did not go well. He is use to being the baby not the uncle. This time went better but my dad was here too and I think that helps. I love him, but he stole my birthday!! No I'm kidding there just is not much to say he is a boy of few words. He does love Killer and playing card games or should I say loosing at card games.
He did play a lot with Emily and Ashley this time Emily really likes uncle Marcus and beating him up. He got smart at the end and starting pinching her back. I never claimed my girls were sweet.

Brown Grandpa, Uncle Marcus and Great Grandma.

So my dad, my 11 year old brother, and my 85 year old grandma came to visit us last week for Emily's birthday. I have not seen my dad or grandma since Ashley was 5 months old the last time I went to CA. Emily saw everyone when she went to CA this past winter with my aunt and stayed with my mom.

It was a really good visit it was really nice to see my dad and grandma. I have was a daddies girl all growing up I am now a mama's girl (I think), now that I have kids I need my mama too. And I always will be a grandma's girl I love her to death!! I love her smell they have been gone for a couple of days and I don't want to change the sheets because I will loose the smell. When she sends me something I want to smell it, first.

Anyways back on point, we had a great visit. We went to the pool lots even went to the river, my grandma even got in the water!!! We ate lots of good food. I am really proud of my grandma she was really moving around good this time and was having a great time with the girls. Women in my dads family live a long time, 96 and 102. My grandma says LORD willing she will pass them both!!! LORD willing I hope she does, but I hope it is quality living not just living.

Well I wish I took more pictures as usual but I will enjoy the memories in my head. Emily got to watch my grandmas Spanish soaps with her, just like I did when I was a kid. My grandma translating the whole time. This one is better because they are all dressed up like pirates... don't ask.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Emily's Birthday ... 5!!

The night before Emily's birthday we blew up lots of balloons and I got some Mylar balloons to fill Emily's room. She turned the big 5 she wanted a surprise party I told her it did not work like that so I wanted to give her some SORT of surprise. Again this is a moment when I thought to use my camera more!!
Michael got up early well kind of to make Emily pancakes for her birthday. We had VBS the day of her birthday and a small group of her super close friends over for her birthday.

So Michael's cousin made Emily a special purple shirt (her favorite color) with a number 5 in Zebra to wear to VBS. Everyone at VBS got to sing happy birthday to Emily. Zane, Isreal, Caden, Ella and other friends all came over to have a birthday lunch with Emily. I surprised EMily in taking her to Snappy Tomato or she calls it Snappy Potato for her birthday. And Michael surprised us in making it home in time to go with us, Emily likes Snappy Tomato and they just reopened and it is CHEAP!!
When we got home Michael and I sang happy birthday to her again!! Happy Birthday Emily on this day of turning 5 you are very emotional, a big helper, a great big sister, nothing is ever enough for you, you know what you like and what you don't this can be a good thing and bad thing. You are getting so BIG and tall you are so pretty. Daddy and I love you very much.


So I will post pictures later of VBS performance but a little about VBS. All of us were going to VBS this week. It was at OUR church, Thompson Station Church and I had signed up to help. We had well over 500 kids in the morning VBS alone. It is wild, crazy and amazing. The church does a great out reach and it really is a great production with lots of help. I helped in a older 1 year old class with some really sweet babies. Graham, Audrey, Malia, Micha, Cameron, Luke and Koa. It was lots of fun but I did think to myself why did I sign up for diaper duty?? We took Ella the little girl down the street with us all week, the girls really like Ella and she had fun at VBS too. Emily and Ella were together and Emily did not have as much fun I don't know why but she really just has a hard time at this church sometimes and other times really loves it. I think Emily likes the smallness of other churches classes and other programs that our church does on a smaller scale like bible study day care. Anyway Ashley had a great time she had some great teachers that really liked her. Chloe never likes me leaving her but did pretty good all week, she slept on all the teachers and Mrs. Kari one of her prevous babysitters was with her this week. Michael and I really enjoy the church I have decied I will help again next year and see if I can't be Emily's crew leader to help her have a better VBS experiance. (And I won't have diaper duty either.)

Busy weekend of Prep.

So after the first week of VBS we were moving on to the second week of VBS and Emily's birthday, and Brown Grandpa, Uncle Marcus and Great Grandma were all coming to visit. So we hit up Costco and ran lots of earns for the up coming week. Pictures above are from the cup cakes we bought Emily for her birthday that melted shifted in the car and really just blew up!! I had to save them Emily was crushed and they were $ 17 worth of cup cakes that had to be saved! So I cleaned them off saved them all two even with the original frosting and Michael re frosted the rest. They were really good and if this was as bad as it got I would take it!
So we did lots of earns and lots of cleaning up for the weeks up coming events.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Loryn a great guest.

Here are a few pictures of Loryn with my girls. She has stayed with us twice. The first time for two nights and the second time for one night we are trying to help Joe, grandma and grandpa out a bit. The second time Loryn came to spend some time with us her and I went shopping alone. We got her some cute outfits and I got a few cute dresses too. She has great taste and is a good shopping partner. We even got ice creme at the end too. Just her and I Loryn is growing up into a great young pre-tween. And it gave me a glimpse into the up coming years.

Y...E...S... to VBS!! Part 2

So I am adding more pictures of VBS because Emily's cousins Isabella and Loryn were there, too. Loryn is going to be 12 in September and still loves VBS, and I love that she still loves VBS. She did a great job with reading and her songs. Isabella did great too since last year she cried through the whole performance. The girls are all growing up so fast.

Y...E...S... to VBS!!

So last week, yes I am a little behind. You'll see why as I get into last week. Last week was week 1 of 2 weeks with VBS. This last week was lots of fun for Emily. She loves VBS at the Spring Hill Presbyterian Church. This is her third year of going. You only have to be three to go. And the first year I said her birthday was a couple of weeks early to get her in. Yes GOD I lied but it was for a good reason for her to learn your WORD. And you know Emily, (I am speaking to GOD at this moment.) she loves your WORD. Emily is a bible thumper as I call her she loves to learn about Jesus, speak to him, and look out for him. She amazes me how connected to GOD she is at such a young age but maybe all kids are and as we grow older we loose site of it...HIM. So Emily makes lots of fun things and sings lots of songs they do a little performance on the last day. This year was cowboy themed you will see by Emily's outfit. I love this VBS it is small and really focuses on the children and again Emily loves it. This year Mrs. Jeanette was her teacher I have known Jeanette for almost 4 years now it seems so crazy. We have been here almost 5 years. Time flies when you have kids!! Okay so I have to add that Emily got put in the pack of her VBS class at song time and I did not capture with the video camera her having to push kids out of the way trying to get to the front. It did not work out for her, but she did a great job I am so proud of her. Chloe and Ashley did pretty good too of keeping quite during the songs.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ashley full of Grace

On this day Emily is at her last day of VBS, I have been spending a lot of time with Ashley as most days Chloe has been napping. Ashley was not happy at the beginning of this week that she could not goto VBS with Emily. But Ashley quickly figured out that she could deiced what she could watch instead of Emily. Let me state for the record Emily does NOT always pick but I will pick, thinking of what Ashley would like. But it seems Ashley is discovering she has a voice and an opinion. We have played games and watched tv. Ashley every morning says "VBS again???" But is now okay with NOT going. Ashley is growing up so fast and as much as she drives me crazy she makes my heart melt. Ashley is now expressing how she feels: its too sunny, I'm sweaty, I'm tired, I'm ready for bed. Now the I am ready for bed is huge!! I remember when Emily first said that too me. I love that they are embracing being tired. Ashley often can not make it as long as Emily. Ashley does not like to nap so she is ready for bed some days at 6:30. Yesterday I got Ashley to nap with the heat it is a nice break in the day. She woke up from her nap I had no idea she was even up and she was down stairs with Emily happily watching TV. This again is huge for Ashley she is usually cranky when she wakes up from naps or in the morning. Usually because if she is the last one up she thinks she has missed something. Ashley is my mirror into the past she looks just like me, she acts like me a lot too. (I am told, I do not remember.) So the whole reason for this post the picture of what Ashley is wearing she has no fashion sense and does not care. Emily is gifted like her mother for the most part!!! If you see Ahsley most days she is in her clothes she picked out!!! Yikes.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

3 plus an extra girl.

Michael's brother Joe has a daughter named Loryn (12) that lives in CA and she comes and visits in the summer and Christmas time. Loryn has been in town for almost 5 weeks and she has spent a couple of days with us. Joe had to work out of town for four days with the NAVY so Loryn split her time between us and Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jake. It is really nice having Loryn around she is a great little girl. Loryn has 4 sisters so she is a great mommy's helper. I struggled with this becuase I wanted her to be a guest in our home and not a baby sitter. She loves helping with the babies but I did not want her to feel like she had too. Loryn always helps out her mom with her two sisters in CA and I know she trys to help out her dad with her two sisters in TN.

We had lots of fun with Loryn spending time with us. The girls really like spending time with her and Michael and I got some glimpse in to the future. To see what it will be like to have a pre-tween in our home. The girls went swimming and played lots inside. It has been really HOT and rainy it does not leave much time for out door play.
One night we even let Loryn have the girl next door spend the night with us too. Big Emily is another sweet girl that I enjoy being around too. Thank goodness we have extra beds to add in all these extra girls. I love it, girls are our LOT in life and we are embracing it!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Isreal's birthday means 13 days ...

We went to Isreal's back yard water party, and as we are getting there it hits Emily that Isreal is older then her!!! I I said yes he is five but you will be five in 13 days. Isreal only had 13 days in this world with out you. I think Isreal could survive life much easier with out Emily then she can with out Isreal. Isreal had a great Robot party with friends and grandma and cousin Loryn. It is hard to imagine that 5 years ago I was still pregnant hoping that my baby would come soon. We never planned to get pregnant at the same time but it worked out twice!!! Once with Emily and Isreal and once with Caleb and Ashley. I love the Emily and Isreal are so close. Sometimes too close Emily would love to marry her cousin Isreal. Kissing cousins, what is that saying about southern people. Put your cousin to the test?? I have explained to Emily that it is not okay to marry your cousin. So far Emily has wanted to marry her daddy, I think every girl does and her cousin. Isreal is very cute at least she has good taste... and I love his parents. Anyway it will never happen. Happy birthday Isreal I can't believe how big you are.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Growing up too fast.

With kindergarten just around the corner and one of our biggest reasons for going on our mini-vacation, spending time with Emily! The day we came back from vacation Emily has her last book from the imagination library in the mail box. It was called something like "look out world here comes kindergarten." This is so sad to me that my big 1st baby girl is growing up. That my whole life is going to change. Don't get me wrong I am excited to only have two kids home with me all day, but she will be missed. Emily is turning into a bueatiful young girl, who is a great big sister, most of the time. Being a good big sister is huge to Michael since he is the baby of the family and knows what it is like to be tortured by a big brother. Anyways I am so proud of Emily I can't believe this day is almost here although some days I never thought it could come fast enough.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Some Videos of our trip.

This last video I had to share of the girls sharing a bag of chips. It was too funny. And as my mom said when she saw the video she can see the girls sitting in sun chairs together sun bathing in a couple of years.

Our mini-vacation Wilderness at the Great Smokie Mountains

Our trip to the water park was lots of fun. Busy by no means was it a restful vacation. We had lots of fun did not get a lot of sleep and were on edge a lot, but over all lots of fun. We won't go back until all the girls are at least 42." Ashley was so sad that she could not go on a lot of the slides. Emily is such a dare devil and wanted to go on everything. I think she really enjoyed that one on one Mommy or daddy time going on the slides with us. She felt like such a big kid. There was only one slide Emily could not go on. Michael and I, our, favorite was the lazy river we could take all the kids and just float along in tubes. Chloe would nuzzle in and rest or nap. Ashley just sat and enjoyed the ride and Emily bounced around in the water from Michael to me. There were 2 wave pools that were also lots of fun that we could all go down.

Our kids do not do well sleeping other places besides home. We have sleep trained them all to enjoy the quite of their own rooms that does back fire on us when we go out of town. But Emily is now at almost 5 doing really well we go out of town or "sleeping over," at grandma's house. Or even her big trip to California.

Because of Ashley not getting enough sleep she was very cranky a lot of the time just going places other then being in the water. We had to also get Ashley a new swim suit she was having a problem with all her swim suits riding up her butt.

Overall we had lots of fun and lots of family time. These are the moments that we will treasure for ever. We are building great memories for Emily and maybe Ashley will remember too. They will have the blog and scrapbooks to remember these family trips. Emily starts Kindergarten in just 5 short weeks. I can't believe it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Starving for Daddy time

We are going out of town on a mini vacation for 4th of July weekend. It always means when we are going out of town that Michael has to work a crazy amount of hours before we go. So Saturday Michael worked tell 10pm. Sunday off, and then has worked late every day this week but Thursday. Thursday Michael got home at 7 pm, yes I know still late but Emily and Ashley were both still up. So Ashley went outside with Michael and spent time with him while he cleaned up the front yard and mowed the lawn. He hasn't done it in about 6 weeks. The grass is dead it has not grown much. Emily was inside watching a show, she is such a TV head. (so am I, I have gotten better, I know she gets it from me) After about 30 mins Ashley was tired and ready for bed. Michael came inside and Emily got to spend some time with Michael and hear a story by herself. I went to Target ALONE, because when daddy works a lot I am left with 3 children by myself a lot. Chloe woke up she went to bed early but must have known daddy was home and wanted to see him too. So when I got home from Target by myself, it is the small things!! Chloe was up spending some time with daddy. Eating all of his dinner. We have been working with Chloe to teach her the sign for "more." So she does not have to whine so much to get what she wants.

I am NOT complaining about Michael working a lot this past week. (Okay so maybe a little). But I know it is for the greater good, the big picture our mini-vacation. I am also not trying to make Michael feel bad, or guilty. He works hard so I can stay at home with our girls. I am so grateful to Michael he puts up with 4 crazy girls on a daily bases. I can't wait for our weekend away.

4th of July is my favorite holiday and a lot has changed this past year. We would normally have a party in the cul-de-sac, but again a lot has changed. Some for the better. But I will be thinking of the old days a lot this weekend I am sure. It makes me sad, the friendships that have been lost this year. But I am thankful to have my family and my marriage as strong as ever as we depend on each other more.

I pray everyone has a wonderful and SAFE weekend.