Monday, January 31, 2011

Warm day fun

More pictures from Saturday. We spent a lot of time playing and having fun in the back yard. Michael cleaned out the hot tub and got it ready to sell. Trying to get rid of it!! The girls are having more and more fun together. We jumped and played even I got on the monkey bars!!!

A great sunny Saturday.


Great day to play outside

Enjoy some photos of us outside.


Sunday, January 30, 2011



Bible Studies

So this past Thursday I started a new bible study. I will touch on that in a different post. But I will say how much I love that the girls love going to bible study. Ashley has a few friends that go with her. She loves her teacher and I get a break and so does she. Chloe seems to really enjoy it too. They give her endless Cheerios and gold fish. She is finally big enough to make some friends too, I think. Besides the fact that Chloe does not like kids her own age looking at her and touching her.

The ladies that watch the kids on Thursday are so sweet and do a great job. Mrs. Beth has watched Emily and now watches Ashley. When Emily herd we were going to bible study and she could not go she started to cry. She loves Mrs. Beth.

Anyway here are a few pictures of the girls all ready for bible study. Ashley has to take her bible too.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cookie Making is never what you want it to be.

Enjoy the pictures and I won't ruin it with my thoughts. I will sum it up with I will make cookies with the girls once a year for Santa if they are lucky.

Chloe's apron is made by Purple Finch and the two half aprons are made by Carrotcloths. Check them out on Facebook.


A bit backed up...

Get your mind out of the gutter backed up on post!!

It's been so cold I have not blogged, have not do much of anything besides keep the troops busy. Now it is so nice out I don't want to blog, but the girls are make uping at the moment so I am getting caught up... kind of.

We got a package last week, it was from Nana, Felicity (an American girl doll). Felicity had gone home with Nana to California to go to the hospital and a day of pampering. Felicity also got her ears pierced. Felicity has bad hair and had some stuffing coming out of her neck.

Emily was so happy to have her home the little girls are happy to have her back, her hair looks about the same again, but at least her stuffing is staying in. We are all glad to have Felicity home again.


Raising mommies and ladies.

My girls all want to grow up to be mommies. That must mean I am doing something right, right?

Ashley wanted Chloe to sit on the potty the other night so she took her... Took her to the toilet, took off her pants, took off her diaper, put on the little toilet seat, helped her climb on the toilet. Did she go I don't know but Ashley took care of her. I think Chloe will be ready to train this summer as soon as she too and can say "POTTY." Or something close to that.

On the raising of ladies... is it wrong that my 19 month old has her own make up to play make up? It isn't much just some eye shadows I did not purchase it for her. (Nana did.) But she loves to be one of the big kids and is getting bigger everyday. I can't believe it.


Friday, January 28, 2011

It could be good or bad.

Well it all depends on how you view it. I am excited that the sun is shining and it is 52 degrees outside. Yes I know it is only 52 degrees, but I will take it. I think we may go play at the park after Emily gets off the bus. It is suppose to be in the high 50's all weekend and I am pumped!! The sun puts this Cali girl in a WAY better mood. My kids and I need some good old fashion vitamin D from the sun not a pill.

Another reason it makes me happy is I got our electric bill and it was CRAZY high, like ohh my pass out high. We even have gas too. Can't wait for that bill to arrive. So I have blinds open for the warm sun to help warm up the house. We have turned the thurmostats in our home down to 67 degrees. We were having it at 71 down stairs and 69 up stairs. Sweaters and socks and slippers will be our friends. I will say though when it is 30 degrees out side it is nice to have your house warm.

I will take the sunshine while it is here, because my friends its not even Febuary yet. Last year it snowed in March too, ugh.

P.s. Mom, if you come visit I will turn up the heat just for you.
(p.s.s. Spell check is not working on here.)


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Quick up date Chloe is starting to learn some words, she said "Nana," tonight. Michael kept trying to get her to say it again. She would put her hand to her ear like she was talking on the phone, to Nana.

Will see if she says it again...


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The road is paved with good intentions

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say they will do something and don't. It does not even have to be anything to do with me. If you talk a big game then do it other wise don't say a word. I am sure I am guilty of this too. There is always a double standard, right?

I will give an example, when we decide to move to TN from CA it was a big move a big decisions. We did not talk about it much out side of a few people until we were sure we were going to do it!! I wish I could say we prayed about it, but we did not. I can say other family members did pray about it and maybe that is why it has turned out so well for us. I have a former uncle who always says "well I wanted to move to TN first." We'll yes we all new that and well he never has he still lives in CA doing pretty much nothing with his life.

Any way, I always have big idea's in my head. Plans, crafts, cooking and something comes up to change my mind. Or lets be honest lately I am lazy I am cold and tired not because I don't sleep but sleepy because it is cold and dreary outside. Today is a snow day that I am okay with because Emily is sick. She came home from school yesterday and puked all afternoon with no temp or any other symptom. Although she did go to bed at 5:30pm and did not wake but to ask for water until 7:30am. I think she has a tummy bug, they have been going around. This am fever was 100.8 but it is gone now.

Anyway back on the "road," I would like to clean, not happening but I did have this hash brown casserole that I have been wanting to make for months. It's pretty good a little plain, I need to add some hot sauce to it. The kids might eat it. I also made the dough for sugar cookies, the girls and I will tackle those later the dough has to cool. So I am doing good because I have been wanting to do these too things for awhile. When Michael gets home I may recruit him to help with moping the floors.

I have some other things in the works but I won't say them quite yet in case I loose my steam. Stay warm out there!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Check out our family pictures up on my sister-in-law's blog. In case you don't know me and have not seen them already. Jenny is an amazing photographer who's business is really taking off!!! We are all so proud of her and I love that she takes our pictures too. Thank you, Jenny.


Friday, January 21, 2011

A woman...

I met a woman today that I have met before through some mutual friends!! She is amazing she reminds me of how lucky I am and how blessed I am that Michael and I and our three kids are healthy. They may not always act happy but they are a blessing. Seeing her today re-enforced to me that I need to enjoy these snow days with my girls. I have been in the zone and have enjoyed the last two or three.

So I am blessed to have three girls that love their sisters and us!!! I am not feeling well this afternoon, but I am hoping it is nothing but we are enjoying laying around watching TV. If you have a small child buy them a Zhu-Zhu pet they are awesome and give Chloe hours of entertainment. I bought them that night at Toys-R-us for 4.99 each best $4.99 I have spent in along time.

Be blessed and enjoy your kids this weekend.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The itch, a five year itch.

We have hit the five year itch on our home. We have lived her five years and things are getting boring. We re-did the bathroom this past weekend. Which we love just re-did the color a bit, I got new towel awhile back, and took down one of the decorations I am looking for a new one. There is a store called "Kirklands" that just opened here in town it could be dangerous. I love it!!

So we love the couch, but the throw pillows were old and matched the old color on the walls not the new. So we up dated the pillows. We did a bright mossy green, our walls are a mellow mossy green and brown the couch is a Teddy bear brown. Love the couch in fact the day the couch dies I may die too.

So Michael and I have been itching about wanting to update some things add some new things. Nothing huge, besides the TV Michael wants to get... I hope in two more years when the 7 year itch comes that we are not too itchy because I don't think we will be ready to move yet.

I will keep you upated on our updates.


today is the day

Today Chloe ate 2 1/2 pieces of french toast. She maybe like a horse that will eat until they die. We will have to cut her off, I don't think she knows her limits. we went to the library and she was begging for food, from some of the other kids we don't even know, um hello you just ate. Ashley even got me to give you guys a snack before we left.

Chloe did the craft at the library today, she did better at it then Ashley...Ashley just does not know when to stop or should I say when enough is enough. Ashley is becoming such a wonderful big sister, she got Chloe to come sit with her on the mat at story time. Chloe lasted almost the whole time, and she did not freak out too bad when the boy sitting next to her looked at her as he picked his nose. Chloe does not like for kids her size or her age to look at her or touch her.

We then headed to lunch at Emily's school, well should I say we watch Emily eat. It is too early for lunch, but the girls did start in on Emily's lunch today. Thursday is ice cream day at Chapman's Retreat so Emily buys lunch on Thursday only. I see some of the parents are getting smart, and let the kids buy ice cream and still bring a lunch. I do admit I enjoy having one day a week I don't have to pack her lunch.

We are home now, we have eaten too now, Chloe is crying herself to sleep as we speak. She is tired but never wants to give up the good fight to do so. Can I make a prediction? By the time Chloe is two there will be no more napping in my house. I am not proud or looking forward to this but I will start getting prepared for it!

Today Ashley has told me I am the best mommy, that is sweet since last night she told me I smell. I said that was not very nice to say...
Ashley has been buckling herself too in the car seat, this is huge because it is a pain when I have to do it!! I am so excited!! One less kid to buckle and unbuckle. They always learn to unbuckle first.


Does your house look like this??

Does your house look like this? With picture your kids drew all over the walls? And paper on the floors from when the tape gives out and it falls to the floor?

I don't mind this. This is the wall stickers that peal off easy.
These are in Chloe's room Ashley did not ask permission to hang these. In fact she ripped them off the walls this morning and she had glued part of the picture to the wall, so the paint came off too.

Here are some of the pictures that have fallen off the wall on to the floor.
Here is a sign Emily made Michael and I for our birthday's it still up it has been almost a month!!!

Give these girls an inch and they take all the tape. Emily got tape for Christmas and it has turned into our worst nightmare. Repainting walls, well not right away but this is what tape on the walls leads too. In the past I have hung up pictures on the entry way in and out of the garage. We need to go back to that. I have to break the kids of hanging everything up with tape.

When I was little I was not aloud to hang anything up with out tape, I was also not aloud to touch the walls. My dad did not want greasy kid prints on the walls. I was an only child.

Anyway, our life is repainting walls. Ashley also got a pencil and colored on the wall next to her bed. I have to get out the magic eraser and see if I can get it off.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Tonight Ashley prayed on her own to Jesus...
" dear Jesus thank you for my food, Amen." Umm this kid never eats much, but at least she is thankful for what she eats. I don't think she ate much at school today besides a pickle and her juice. When she got in the car she started eating her lunch. The teachers must think she never eats.

She is now crying at the top of stairs for water. I think the first day back at school in weeks has made her very, very tired.

Good night.


Snow White Pictures!

This was Isreal the whole party hiding.
Isabella so proud at the end of her party!!!
I picked a nose and whiskers for Irelynn too.

Blue heart for Ashley and a blue cup cake!!
I picked a nose and whiskers for Chloe.
Emily got a flower, yellow is her thing right now...
Snow White asked Isabella, "what do you want me to paint on your face?" She replied with "a giraffe." SW said " I was thinking more a star, heart, flower..." Isabella chose a butterfly.
Isabella and Snow White.
Here is Snow White coming in from her car, in the rain. The golden streets ran out so did the carriage. Modern times, I guess.

So Isabella had her party on Monday for lunch, which was great because I did not have to think of something else to do on yet another day off!!

Uncle Joe has three girls, cousin Loryn had a princess party when she turned 5 it was Belle. Michael and I were still just dating (okay maybe we were engaged) then, I was at work that day.

So it was Isabella's turn and she wanted Snow White I guess. I love Snow White, she has black hair not blond still with the blue eyes but not so the same. Anyway she did a great job again the girls were memorized with her the boys were not impressed at all. Here are a few pictures!!
