So quick recap, the days got better for me and the girls. Really the girls were fine it was me that was crankie. I hate paying for school and Ashley does not get to go. She loves it!!! She is said when she can't go. That makes it hard for both of us. Chloe really needs that extra time. Chloe is not talking yet.
So on to the real topic of this post. Chloe's speech, there is none. Well she just learned in the last week Momma, and dada. She also knows No, uh-oh, un-eh. Anyway she is limited on her speech, and gets really frustrated. Michael and I get frustrated too. At the end of the day I am tired of trying to figure out what Chloe needs and wants.
So a speech analyst came to the house this morning to evaluate Chloe. It's a state thing, she passed she does not qualify for state help. So that is good news in the fact that she is not 40% delayed in her speech. But Michael and I just have to work with her on sign language and see if that can help cut back on her frustrations. She is picking up the sign language fast. The speech lady taught her all done witch she kind of already knew, play, please, thank you, so we have to stick with it. I have a book from when I was a kid, its amazing how God puts things in your path along the way. So we looked up up, and I know eat, Chloe already knows the sign for more... more food is key with Chloe. She is 30 lbs and 19 months.
So here we embark on a new road with Chloe. We all get to kind of learn a new language. I love sign language it really is fascinating to me. Also Emily and I are reading Kyah books right now from American Girl and they use a lot of sign language in the books.
On another note Chloe is getting so big and she is soo smart. She has gone poo poo and pee pee on the potty twice this week. She likes to sit on the potty for long periods of time, like 20 minutes. So long that the potty seat sticks to her butt. My kids bottoms are so big little potties don't work for them. Its really cute to watch her poo poo I may video tape it one time. She grunts a lot.
Ashley says the grunting nosies are from Chloe's baby in her belly. She thinks Chloe is due any day now with a baby because her belly is so big.
So long post lots going on but we made it through the great snow of Jan. 2011, but I think the next great snow of Jan. 2011 comes on Sunday. No joke, Emily had 4 extra days off, 1 day of school and then at least the next three days off.
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