Thursday, January 20, 2011

Does your house look like this??

Does your house look like this? With picture your kids drew all over the walls? And paper on the floors from when the tape gives out and it falls to the floor?

I don't mind this. This is the wall stickers that peal off easy.
These are in Chloe's room Ashley did not ask permission to hang these. In fact she ripped them off the walls this morning and she had glued part of the picture to the wall, so the paint came off too.

Here are some of the pictures that have fallen off the wall on to the floor.
Here is a sign Emily made Michael and I for our birthday's it still up it has been almost a month!!!

Give these girls an inch and they take all the tape. Emily got tape for Christmas and it has turned into our worst nightmare. Repainting walls, well not right away but this is what tape on the walls leads too. In the past I have hung up pictures on the entry way in and out of the garage. We need to go back to that. I have to break the kids of hanging everything up with tape.

When I was little I was not aloud to hang anything up with out tape, I was also not aloud to touch the walls. My dad did not want greasy kid prints on the walls. I was an only child.

Anyway, our life is repainting walls. Ashley also got a pencil and colored on the wall next to her bed. I have to get out the magic eraser and see if I can get it off.


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