Chloe is 19 months old today and sick. I think it is something viral, spots on her face on and off through out the day, fever on and off. And just pure crankie. She went to bed early tonight, did not nap well today.
Chloe is 19months old is starting to look like a toddler and not so much like a baby. When her hair is pulled back so she can see she looks so big. She still does not talk, she gets a speech evaluation on Friday. Wish us luck!! She can get her point across but the only words she says are "No, uh-on, uh-huh, owe" and she trys to say " iller (the dog) momma, (does not come out right.) She gets so mad when we don't understand her. Today she threw a Smoothie King cup on the floor and it busted open. Fun!!
On the other hand she is fun loving, loves her sister, dog, and grandparents. She loves to be held, play with toys, Zuh-Zuh pets are her favorite right now. She also enjoys banging on the drums and playing make up. Yes that is right, she has to be in the mix with the big girls getting her make up done. The pictures I am posting are with her eyes done by Ashley.
Chloe loves to be naked and has shown lots of interest in sitting on the potty. Nothing happens but she sometimes is allowed to try. Chloe at her 18 month check up was the size of a 27 month old. I know she weighs more and is taller already. She has all of her teeth, and is already getting two out of the four two year molars. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
Chloe sleeps with a pillow pet, a mermaid, two Teddy bears and a blanket made by Nana ever night. I think we are passed the SIDS fase. Chloe Love is so smart, loves to jump on the trampoline, get her diapers and wipes for you, throw dirty diapers in the trash, get your shoes for you as well as her shoes too.
I am so proud of Chloe she quit sucking her thumb about a month ago and I can't believe and honestly I miss it a bit too. She is so noisey. Ugh.
Any way we love our Chloe very much. We call her Birdie.
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