Another reason it makes me happy is I got our electric bill and it was CRAZY high, like ohh my pass out high. We even have gas too. Can't wait for that bill to arrive. So I have blinds open for the warm sun to help warm up the house. We have turned the thurmostats in our home down to 67 degrees. We were having it at 71 down stairs and 69 up stairs. Sweaters and socks and slippers will be our friends. I will say though when it is 30 degrees out side it is nice to have your house warm.
I will take the sunshine while it is here, because my friends its not even Febuary yet. Last year it snowed in March too, ugh.
P.s. Mom, if you come visit I will turn up the heat just for you.
(p.s.s. Spell check is not working on here.)
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