I find the bus stop very therapeutic in the morning. The weather is still cool, the kids are happy playing and talking. The grown ups are talking. Most mornings in our house it is the CALM after the storm. This morning for sure was crazy!! Chloe has been cranky and crying all morning. Wearing on my nerves, but she only wants me not Michael. Then she snuggles in for a minute maybe that is what both of us need?? But then she'll cry again, the other girls are doing their thing. Ashley yelling at me I want to go to the bus stop NOW!!! Trying to put Killer's leash on. Emily wants to play not eat or get her shoes on. Even though she loves school and the bus, she hates shoes. So after the crazy morning, the hussel and bussel I enjoy the bus stop we all do. Michael, Emily, Ashley, Chloe, Killer (the dog) and me. In fact since we got back from the bus Chloe is now happy and playing instead of crying. I feel better too. My nerves are a little shot just writing about this morning but I do feel better. Now to get my day off and running, a make up ballet class for Ashley since she missed when I smashed her finger. Buy some food because the kids do like to eat sometimes, and ballet again tonight. I am sure it will get filled in between.
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