So the worst part of leaving town is coming home. Specially when you have gone camping so much to clean, wash and put away. This post is for a friend, she knows who she is. Here is Chloe eating another type of chip. I think Chloe might have a chip problem, but I know it is our problem because we given in and give them to her. See the laundry baskets behind her.

Here is the girls sleeping bags airing out on the deck with the ice chest draining as well. Almost a week later ice chest is still out there, I did bring in the sleeping bags because I thought it was going to rain the other day.

So here is the mound of crap that is always on this counter, see the camera lens?? It is my catch all what would I do with out it? No matter how much I clean this spot it ends up looking like this or worse in 24 hours.

Sorry to say my laundry room often looks like this even if we have been home for weeks. There are some extra blankets and pillows to wash in this picture but it is always messy.

Sleeping bags on the floor I must moved those yesterday only because some one was coming over. See the dirty floor? Note, also that I moved the sleeping bags I did not put them away where they belong. And of course Chloe, she is always on the move these days. Chloe while we were camping grew out of 2 pairs of shoes, all that fresh air I guess made her grow!!! Who knew? Any way friends and others my house is always messy. But I guess that is a good sign that I am enjoying life with my kids, we are busy. I will have a clean house later in life...well I hope I do.
LOL!! You are awesome!! :)