Michael went on to his parents house with the kids and met his brother and his two sons there. They played the rest of the afternoon there. Here is a picture of
Isreal, Emily and Ashley playing together in the old wood shed.

Here is Caleb, Caleb is
Isreal's brother and Caleb likes to do his "own thing." He is
sooo cute and loves
Doritos and
Popsicles are the way to his heart!

Here is Emily with
Isreal, they are 13days apart. If Emily could have her way she would marry
Isreal today!! No kissing cousins around here. We have to keep a close eye on them.

Michael said it was super hot Ashley looks hot. They kind of remind me of the lost boys from Peter Pan in this shot, except more girls less boys. "I am following the leader, the leader..."
Any way they played there tell 3:30
ish, then came home. Lea and I made it back to my house by 4:30 the kids were all passed out. It back fired when Ashley was up until 11:30pm. That girl can NOT nap anymore!!!! Again thank you Michael!!!
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