So here is my mom with her camels. They have baby camels in the petting zoo at the Zoo. Can I tell you the scaring that camels have caused in my life? I am the only kid who did a report on camels in the 4th grade I think. I know lots about them and my mother has an extensive camel collection. So here is my mother on the phone with Jamie's mom, her sister. And being eaten by a camel.

Chloe liked the camels too. This is very dangerous if my sense some one weak for camels she will take advantage. Poor Chloe, she does have a camel dress...that I bought just for my mom. Just ask my poor cousin Doug he was "tricked" into liking camels when he was young too. I gotta say they are kind of cute but I am more of an alpaca girl my self. ( I saw camels "mate" when I was a young child, I will never forget it. In a bad way not in a good way.)
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