So Killer asked me to keep him a weight loss journal. I know I have lost my mind. But I think it might be fun to keep track of his weight loss.
-Sunday March 4th I (Killer) got a bath from dad and a blow dry from mom. Mom threw in the towel and now admits that I am fat not just fluffy. Mom and dad were joking that I looked like a bear with a small head and a big body. Dad gave me a bad face cut on Friday night.
Mom has cut me back on food to one half scoop twice a day. Not unlimited food... No more never ending food bowl.
-Monday first day on the diet all day. I got forced out on a walk with a leash. Mom says Chloe and I need to build up our endurance for walking. I prefer to ride in the stroller with Chloe. For the record Chloe does not go in the stroller either. High light I did get to go to the bus stop where all the kids pet me and love me.
-Tuesday day two of the diet. Chloe and Ashley had hard boiled eggs for breakfast and I did not get any yoke. That was heart breaking, I always get the yoke.
I did get to go on a ride in the car to the bank, mom got lunch, and to the store. Last stop grandma's. Got some exercises there. Walked to the horses, chased the bunny, and the duck. Cousin dog Razzle is there all she does is bark at me. Got to pick Ashley up from school! Score. That is my new favorite place. And came home walked to the bus stop to pick up Emily. Girls like to fight over me.
So that is it for Killers journal for now. I weighed him today. He is 13lbs lets see how much weight he can loose in the next couple of months.
Chloe and Killer are building some endurance together.
Very Cute!