So Chloe has had a rough week. Last, Saturday night she fell down the stairson her back head first the whole way we do believe or close enough to the top. The kid just does not pay attention to what she is doing.
Sunday night she fell out of bed while she slept and hit her chin, next to her eye and scraped her neck.
So we were off to arough start. She has a big goose egg on top of her head from falling the whole way down. I did not catch her tell the end. We thought she may have broken her arm with the way she fell but she poped right back up. She had her back pack all twisted around her arm and fell down with her arm under her.
She had a scrape on her neck, a scab under her chin, and a bruse next her eye. Plus the goose egg.
So Thursday after school we took Emily to a make up gymnastics class in the pooring rain. Chloe feel down and cracked her head. At about 5pm. She was sitting on the bleachers the bottom foot areaon her knees coloring on my phone. She sat up on her knees and rocked back and fell back and smacked her head twice. Once on a metal L bracket and once on a concreate floor. It was awful. There was blood on the fllor which I second guest it being hers? As I picked her up all of these moms come rushing to me saying she is bleeding bad and covered in blood. Luckly a former soccer team mate of Emily's was there and his mom is a peditrician. She helped stop the bleeding applied pressure. Chloe was screaming and crying. I was just holding her trying to comfort her. As I tried to call Michael and Cindy. With no luck of getting either one.
I was told I was going to half to take her to Vanderbilt ER. I Had a friend their who was willing to drop her kids at home and come back and get us to drive to Nashville. Luckly Heather got bleeding to stop and we did not have to go. The gash is about a 1/2" wide. But the bleeding stoped and we decied it best not to go unless the bleeding started again. Chloe has not been able to wash her hair to let the scab harden under her hair. Tonight we will wash it. Plus the trama of them shaving a part of Chloe's head would have sent Chloe over the edge. I am so thankful that Heather the Peditrician was there and that Lisa was there to help also. Chloe's gymanstic coach was their and she helped clam Chloe down as well. But she said she had to walk away because she was about to cry because Chloe was hurt. I did not cry I was a bit in shock I think. They all kept telling me I handled it well. Well after Ashley busting out her tooth, cutting her eye brow open and all the falls and scrapes. I am handling things better. :) Another mom I have never met or seen before was even crying.
Emily was crying too. Ashley thought it was neat and was showing her friend Lawson her sister covered in blood. Chloe's last purple dress was ruined in blood. I tried everything to get it clean. Hydrogen proxide, soap and soaking it for 25 hours.
Chloe was fine by the next day. She does not even complain of her head hurting. So the Above picture is how Michael would now like Chloe to walk around every day. To protect her head. Even right now she is walking around with her barbie Helmet on. :)