I have some wants right now...
New slippers this is bad because I like Ugg slippers and they are not cheap. But they do last forever I threw my old pair away. I guess last spring they were pretty gross, and had lost most of the stuffing.
I want a new lens for my camera.
I "need" some new jeans, I got rid of all of mine last fall because they were all from my pre-baby years and they still fit but not great and they were getting thin to wear. I worried they would rip in a not pretty place. I bought some cheap jeans to get me through last winter but some have shrink ed and well they just aren't as good.
I want a new purse but I really can't find one that I like enough to spend the money on one. Or they are just too much money to justify spending the money on! Ugh being a mom and a wife and doing the bills sucks sometimes.
I want two new pairs of Toms too. I love those shoes great for the fall so comfy and they give a pair to people who don't have shoes.
Oh and new jammies, also. I don't really even have jammies just really old sweats or shorts except for a pair of purple Christmas jammies my bought me a few years ago I think.
Anyway I scored a new pair of boots the other week thanks mom!!
And I did get a new phone today. I know I have to be patient and before I know it, it will be Christmas and my birthday.
So if anyone who reads this wants to buy me a gift!! Haha just kidding. Really I should delete this post and never publish it. But hey this is me and my wants.
Again I should clarify I am blessed, I have everything I need, we have a great house, car and we are not hungry.
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