Chloe is a princess and she is a baby. She has this book... it's called Princess baby. You could read it to her 10 times a day and she would be happy. She even knows a lot of the words.
The picture is of Chloe's princess fashion sense. Michael dressed her that morning but according to him she picked it and would not budge on the clothes. I am amazed at Chloe everyday ... she is growing up. I will always look at her as the "baby." But she is growing up and getting bigger everyday. She does things that shock me every day I see her little wheels in her brain turning.
But she has not interest in pee pee potty training. She will go poop on the poty no problem but peeing and she just gets board of it. I don't know. Everytime I buy a box of diapers I think maybe this is my last box! No such luck yet. Besides I will still be buying night time diapers for Ashley. (that is another story)
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