Thursday, September 29, 2011

All about Chloe.


Silly pictures

Chloe likes to pick her nose. Michael gave her a big green play-doh booger.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Daughter of spider man.

Silly name for the costume. But here it is Ashley is going to be spider girl for Halloween. I think she will make a great super hero! What are your kids going to be?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chloe's first trip to dentist.

Chloe did great I am so proud of her. My baby is growing up.

Monday, September 26, 2011


So I posted on Facebook after our hike on Sunday I need a bumper sticker that says "I love my Yorkie more then my kids ... after a hike." The kids cried a lot on the hike we are having issues with having not happy kids lately. I told them to fake their happy-ness.

Killer did not complain but I think if he had a voice he would have. Killer needs more exercises in his life but don't we all? Emily said on the way back her legs were going to fall off. Ashley was crying because she missed her grandma?? I don't know what her deal is? Chloe cried because she is fat and does not want to walk, but since she is fat no one wants to carry her either. Dilemma, we made the last bit of trek back to the car happy because I said we could get ice cream. Even fatty walked!! Killer did not get ice cream or a burger and he did the best poor guy.


Camping the last of it!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best and worst part

Chloe bit Ashley Friday night late when they were trying to go to bed. I don't know what Ashley did but this looks bad. It is still there 5 days later but looks much better. This was the worst part of the trip. Doesn't it look like it hurts?
The best part was buying this chair at target before we left for $ 12. It is a $60 chair. Who would pay $60 for a hair I have no clue but it was a great find!


The No FUN lake in Pictures.

The Play ground.
Proof I was there. Also the bikes saved us other wise they would have been more board.

Dropping in our line.
Emily dropped her fishing pole in the water so this was us fetching it out. Or I should say Michael getting it. The water was nasty.

Read the rules... um what can you do here? Hmm.
A goose there was goose poop every where it was nasty!

Chloe's booty says Love! This was all still in the first day.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Suprise, camping trip for the girls!

We knew all week we were going camping on Friday but never told the girls. We tried a new place that lots of people told us was great! Montgomery Bell, was not for us. We gave it a go, we got there and picked out our site, I could do a whole post on the crapy-ness of Tennessee tent camping sites, but I won't. We picked a spot we got there about 2pm, the place filled up by 7 pm not a spot to be had really. We scooped out the lakes there are three lakes at Montgomery Bell and you can not swim in any of them after Labor day, and really only one between Memorial day and Labor day. What bull honkie.

We did a lot of fishing and driving and walking, Michael with a large 32 lb., monkey on his back. The high light for the first day for the girls playing with the worms for fishing.

I will finish more later.


Sick baby girl

Yesterday 9-18-11 was the first time Chloe puked. She 27 months old, it came out of no place. We should have known something was wrong when she fell asleep on the couch and then later on the little couch in the play room. She started out with a 100.2 fever and it has topped out at 102.3. I hope she gets to feeling better soon since this morning she asked for tv. She like to lay in her "nest" on the couch. She puked all over daddy, mommy and the couch!!

Hope she is better soon.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Camping sneak peek.

Now I think why do I take them any where? Trying to kill each other with a rope.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This is Ashley's style.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Testing out.

Let's see if this works.

Warning a totally selfish post

I am a mom and I can not be selfish often but I am in one of those moods. It's probably because my kids don't really NEED anything right now beside Halloween costumes and they don't really NEED those either.

I have some wants right now...

New slippers this is bad because I like Ugg slippers and they are not cheap. But they do last forever I threw my old pair away. I guess last spring they were pretty gross, and had lost most of the stuffing.

I want a new lens for my camera.

I "need" some new jeans, I got rid of all of mine last fall because they were all from my pre-baby years and they still fit but not great and they were getting thin to wear. I worried they would rip in a not pretty place. I bought some cheap jeans to get me through last winter but some have shrink ed and well they just aren't as good.

I want a new purse but I really can't find one that I like enough to spend the money on one. Or they are just too much money to justify spending the money on! Ugh being a mom and a wife and doing the bills sucks sometimes.

I want two new pairs of Toms too. I love those shoes great for the fall so comfy and they give a pair to people who don't have shoes.

Oh and new jammies, also. I don't really even have jammies just really old sweats or shorts except for a pair of purple Christmas jammies my bought me a few years ago I think.
Anyway I scored a new pair of boots the other week thanks mom!!
And I did get a new phone today. I know I have to be patient and before I know it, it will be Christmas and my birthday.

So if anyone who reads this wants to buy me a gift!! Haha just kidding. Really I should delete this post and never publish it. But hey this is me and my wants.

Again I should clarify I am blessed, I have everything I need, we have a great house, car and we are not hungry.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Chloe is a princess and she is a baby. She has this book... it's called Princess baby. You could read it to her 10 times a day and she would be happy. She even knows a lot of the words.

The picture is of Chloe's princess fashion sense. Michael dressed her that morning but according to him she picked it and would not budge on the clothes. I am amazed at Chloe everyday ... she is growing up. I will always look at her as the "baby." But she is growing up and getting bigger everyday. She does things that shock me every day I see her little wheels in her brain turning.

But she has not interest in pee pee potty training. She will go poop on the poty no problem but peeing and she just gets board of it. I don't know. Everytime I buy a box of diapers I think maybe this is my last box! No such luck yet. Besides I will still be buying night time diapers for Ashley. (that is another story)


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's talk about ....


I am in a picture rut again. And really I have some funny video's right now to post of the girls. But let's recap Ashley in her last month of being 3!! Right now I have a 6 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old. And less then a month I don't have to look like the crazy lady anymore and have a 6, 4, and 2 year old.

Ashley is getting bigger everyday. Just this afternoon Chloe was freakin' out and Ashley helped her solve her freak out. Warms my hart because that is not Ashley's three year old nature but maybe it will be her 4 year old nature.

Ashley loves her class, she is with her best buddy Blake again!! Ashley's teacher is named Mrs. Emily and Ashley thinks that is awesome.

Ashley can get her self dressed every morning, she can brush her teeth and she thinks she can brush her hair.
Ashley is really all self sufficient except for I still need to help her wipe her butt and she wets the bed every night! Ugh.

I don't think that she will go to college in "good nights" but it's hard. I don't normally care but Ashley's skin is breaking out already with the drastic temp change and sleeping in a urine soaked diaper every night does not help. But sleeping in wet sheets is not any better. I am doing laundry every morning which really throws me off. I take her to pee before I go to bed, but she has already wet, she has two beds in her room so I switch her to the other bed and wake her to pee. Last night she wet the bed again. So I changed two beds in the morning. I limit her drinking in the evening I force her to pee before bed. I have tried to bribe her.

But here is the other thing. She does not care... it does not wake her up sleeping in wet sheets. She is a hard sleeper and wet sheets and blankets do not bother her. I know it will come in time but her poor itchy scratchy skin. And it comes on her bottom and later when the weather gets even cooler she will get it in her elbow bend and knee bend.

Truly I am really proud of Ashley most days, she has a wild streak to her and is not as go with the flow with Emily. She looks exactly like me!
