I have done the dishes, unload dish washer, re-load, start dish washer, washed pans, started a load of laundry yes I know it is not my normal day but I am trying to be done with laundry by Sunday. I swept and mopped the laundry room this has needed to be done for many, many, many weeks. Cleaned the dogs water, wiped down the table and island. The girls are playing play-doh. This is how I have gotten so much done. I have to goto the Chiropractor soon too. So before noon I will have so much more then my "one thing" marked off my list.
Now I will say the afternoon I do loose drive, and yesterday was not so great. But, I did cook dinner, get my hair done, go to soccer practice, go to the bank, not in that order.
So after lunch and during nap time, movie for Ashley and mopping the floor. Have to get all the play doh off the floor. Not saying this will last forever not saying you will even ever know my house was clean I do live with 4 tornado's and a dog. There are always shoes and toys all over.
You always inspire me....bet you didn't know that! I would like to know which blog you were reading (you can FB it). I did the gym, the grocery store(in the rain with the boys), put groceries away, and washed my hair:) That may be it for my day!!