So I hate how this thing loads, I guess I am lucky I can even figure out how to post. I am working on some projects for Chloe's room. Chloe's birthday is coming up soon. My mom got Chloe her bedding for her soon to be big girl bed. So I have been working on decor to match. I am doing kind of a shabby chic look, in greens, blues and yellows. Chloe is already very girl but I did not want pinks and purples. Chloe's room is a light tan on three walls and a purple blue on one wall. Do you think I could convince Michael to paint a wall for Chloe's room? Hmm I don't know. I may have to do it myself. I am thinking a teal blue color. I bought a can of green spray paint, to do accents with. I am really happy with the way things are turning out my friend Nicole and her kids came over to supervise me spray painting. Emily wanted to "help"spray paint too.

Here is the finished product on the Love sign for Chloe's room. Her middle name is Love, this was a black love sign to start out that I painted green then sprayed it green also I was worried about the covering. I added some yellow ribbon with a bow because I just "love" the ribbon.
Here it is before, what do you think? Too bad its already done.
I also "painted" a picture for Chloe's room too. I am not a great painter but I tried it's not finished but I will take another picture of it when the final product is done.
Here is the love sign when I had just hand painted it. Did I mention I got this at Kroger (the grocery) store for $ 7 on sale.
Here is my blank canvas. I am really liking green, I hope Chloe does too!!
I will post more pictures with the bedding soon, and some shelves.
Love it! You have done a great job. Cannot wait to see the final results!