I love Santa. But what I don't love is the push for Santa. Be good for Santa! Um yeah what about be good for dad and mom all year long. I hate hanging Santa over my kids heads. For one thing we are not big on Santa around here. Stockings a filled to the brim and that is what Santa brings. Everything else comes from us!! I am greedy and I want the credit for the good gifts is that wrong I don't think so. Why do I want to make a big push for something that ultimately my kids will find out we were lying to them. I answer questions about Santa. But I do not go out of my way to talk about Santa. When one of the girls starts talking a lot about Santa I change the subject and say "lets talk about Jesus. That is the real reason for Christmas." I love the presents my kids get to many but I don't like the big push for Santa. The Elf on the shelf is a cute idea but sounds like a lot of work to me.
So this weekend we will go see Santa again!! I am not against it in fact I am for it. Scaring Chloe with a man in a big red suit and a white beard sounds good to me. I don't want the kids to "miss out," ever. I just don't want to make a big deal, threaten my kids with Santa for 6 months out of the year. I am not judging anyone who does I am pretty sure I was raised that way too. A couple of years ago my dad got on the roof on Christmas eve to stomp around to play into the Santa thing for my 12 year old step brother and my 6 year old half brother. Give it a rest.
Enjoy this season I know we will. Will do all the fun stuff too. But tell kids you see to be good to for their parents not for some fat guy!!
Wow So true about Santa!! I feel the same way....My kids have recently made a commment when they broke a toy from last year that "Santa" brought it for them and I shouldn't be upset about it.
ReplyDeleteBTW I love the pictures of the girls on this blog! Where did you get them done? They are gorgeous!