Any way back on point. How many shoes are too much for a kid? There feet have not grown as fast as I thought they would. For example Ashley has a pair red glitter shoes, black dress shoes, brown boots, black boots(on the way out the door, they are trashed), red lady bug tennis shoes, and I think that is it. For the record, both boots and black shoes are hand me downs from Emily. Is this too many shoes? Really I feel like a kid shoe have two pairs of tennis shoes and she does NOT right now. She does not have "rain" boots I de-priving her?? Ohh she does have snow boots again hand me downs from Emily via a cousin.
Emily will be my next example she has a pair of brown shoes dressy, black shoes good shoes my mom paid good money for she loves them (they are sparkly, kinda), brown fringe boots, hello kitty rubber shoes, black winter type boots, converse tennis shoes pink plaid, a pair of black cowboy boots she took from grandmas via another cousin, then she has four shoes in waiting when her feet grow again. One hand me down pair from a neighbor, no not that neighbor, a gift pair from another neighbor, and a pair of purple sparkle converse that I had my mom buy way too big, oh and flip flops. In my defense because as I right this out it really sounds like a lot!!! Its winter and cold and my kids have style I did not say it was great style. Emily has to wear closed toe shoes to school every day we need variety. In the summer my kids get a pair of crocs, flip flops and tennis shoes for just in case. So does it balance out?? How could I forget the gold sparkle shoes??
Now Chloe is different. Right now at this moment she has 2 pairs of shoes we bought the other day at stride rite. Yikes!! But really her feet are so fat it is hard to find shoes that fit!! Chole has tons of shoes that may never fit because her feet might stay too fat for too long. We try as we go along. I can't wait for this one pair of converses to fit her they are animal ones of clown fish you know like Nemo. They even have fins. There is a cute pair of boots I don't think she will ever wear them do to her foot size and her legs being on the short side. She could kill her self in them.
The good news is I can sell them to buy more shoes give them to friends who have other little girls. I have a friend having her 3rd girl!!! So this is my question how many shoes are too many? My laundry room floor would tell you I have too many.
Now clothing I feel like my kids always grow mid-season. Chloe is growing. She has grown 4" in 2 months is that possible. This is a laundry day, and I have thrown away worn down undies, stained leggings, stained shirts, overly stained socks. The girls are set for presents but they still have gift cards and money coming I think it will go towards stocking up on clothes.
This is a question from a momma of three girls. I won't even go into how many shoes I have!
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