As any mother would hope for sharing of toys, kind words, Halloween candy, you know the "good stuff."
Today we had lots of friends come over and play. Emily had today off from school so lots of kids came over to play. We shared today, Camden and Boden's mom brought juice and crackers, Katie brought donuts, Nicole my dear friend brought me a coke. I did not have to share my coke but it was so nice of her to do that for me. I gave a bag of baby clothes to another friend. I shared my home and all of my toys...the girls toys with their friends.
We share friends I met Jeannie at a MOPS play date, Lea we met at the park, Nicole we avoided for a year(not really), But we are all friends now, we have shared in friendship. Lea "picked up" a mom at the park, Shanelle we have now made a new friend.
This is turning into a very Corny post but sharing is caring. So I will share some funny thoughts with you today.
Ashley told me she almost ate a booger...what happened to the booger is another thing.
Emily went to dance class with a tutu on her waist and around her neck. Chloe had a purse as almost as big as her. Ashley was ready to dance with Nana's Elvis purse.
Lots of dancing on tables today, from Chloe. Chloe has just started to really get her "groove on."
Ashley had to show her cousin Isreal her "really, really cool Buzz Lightyear bike."
Today was a good day, I need to focus on these days. No pictures to share today.
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