The line to pay was just as crazy I was thankful that we had to wait inside though to pay. At least we were warm, and did not have to pee anymore. The line snaked through each aile all the way back to the power wheels. If there was anything you missed you saw it as we went through every aile waiting to pay. Going through the baby section was funny because Taylor, Nicole's sister is young and is the youngest and knows not much about babies. We got to scare her about all the "crazy wonderful" things that happen to your body and what your baby will "need" you to do for it. She did not want a boy because of Vaseline on the penis, and being peed on I believe. I said no girls because of places you would have to add creme and other girl drama. After she saw "natural" baby bottle nipples she may never have kids any how.
We waited in line again for about an hour and 15 mins, paid and went home, to bed.
I have been grounded from going out late at night because the next evening Friday night I got sick. Not with a cold from standing in the rain but headache and feeling barfy I need to much sleep and standing waiting in line all night tell 2am is not for this momma.
Nicole kept talking about next response was simple "that is sweet you think I am coming back next year." Love you girl but no. I loved spending a late evening with two girls that made me feel like a dwarf to put it nicely.
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