So I will post pictures later of VBS performance but a little about VBS. All of us were going to VBS this week. It was at OUR church, Thompson Station Church and I had signed up to help. We had well over 500 kids in the morning VBS alone. It is wild, crazy and amazing. The church does a great out reach and it really is a great production with lots of help. I helped in a older 1 year old class with some really sweet babies. Graham, Audrey, Malia, Micha, Cameron, Luke and Koa. It was lots of fun but I did think to myself why did I sign up for diaper duty?? We took Ella the little girl down the street with us all week, the girls really like Ella and she had fun at VBS too. Emily and Ella were together and Emily did not have as much fun I don't know why but she really just has a hard time at this church sometimes and other times really loves it. I think Emily likes the smallness of other churches classes and other programs that our church does on a smaller scale like bible study day care. Anyway Ashley had a great time she had some great teachers that really liked her. Chloe never likes me leaving her but did pretty good all week, she slept on all the teachers and Mrs. Kari one of her prevous babysitters was with her this week. Michael and I really enjoy the church I have decied I will help again next year and see if I can't be Emily's crew leader to help her have a better VBS experiance. (And I won't have diaper duty either.)
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