On this day Emily is at her last day of VBS, I have been spending a lot of time with Ashley as most days Chloe has been napping. Ashley was not happy at the beginning of this week that she could not goto VBS with Emily. But Ashley quickly figured out that she could deiced what she could watch instead of Emily. Let me state for the record Emily does NOT always pick but I will pick, thinking of what Ashley would like. But it seems Ashley is discovering she has a voice and an opinion. We have played games and watched tv. Ashley every morning says "VBS again???" But is now okay with NOT going. Ashley is growing up so fast and as much as she drives me crazy she makes my heart melt. Ashley is now expressing how she feels: its too sunny, I'm sweaty, I'm tired, I'm ready for bed. Now the I am ready for bed is huge!! I remember when Emily first said that too me. I love that they are embracing being tired. Ashley often can not make it as long as Emily. Ashley does not like to nap so she is ready for bed some days at 6:30. Yesterday I got Ashley to nap with the heat it is a nice break in the day. She woke up from her nap I had no idea she was even up and she was down stairs with Emily happily watching TV. This again is huge for Ashley she is usually cranky when she wakes up from naps or in the morning. Usually because if she is the last one up she thinks she has missed something. Ashley is my mirror into the past she looks just like me, she acts like me a lot too. (I am told, I do not remember.) So the whole reason for this post the picture of what Ashley is wearing she has no fashion sense and does not care. Emily is gifted like her mother for the most part!!! If you see Ahsley most days she is in her clothes she picked out!!! Yikes.
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