Today was not your average Tuesday. Michael did not have work today!! Sad because no work no money, but it is always nice to have him home. Emily (4) and Ashley (2) have been going to ballet camps. This week is Fairy week. They go Tuesday and Thursday and they have so much fun. Ella one of their friends is going too and the "homeless" girl down the street. They got their nails painted today and faces. I should have taken a picture but I forgot. I feel like as a parent I should always have a camera around my neck. That would be fun... a camera on my neck a baby on my hip, another kid holding my hand and Emily always holds Chloe's foot. This is how we cross a street or walk across a parking lot. (also a video camera on hand). Anyway I am loosing focus. This is what I mean about loosing track of my days Michael being home after a day of work screws me up. Emily's face paint was so pretty I loved it but it got washed off very quick from the "HOT TUB." The girls spent over two hours playing in there it so HOT. Tuesday night I have been doing a bible study at church, so I had to make dinner and then scoot out the door. But to night at dinner was so funny. We grabbed the video camera. Ashley was wiped out she is 2 and half and does not always want to take a nap. Saying the word "bed" or "bedtime" to her is the worst thing to say to her. But today she could have used a nap. We ate dinner at 5:45 or so and she was falling a sleep while she ate. The funny part was I have never seen her eat so much. She was chowing down while falling asleep. Ashley never stops never holds still, she is always on the move. I love her dearly she is my little monster. She gets away with so much because she looks just like me, how can I get mad at myself. Michael has a hard time too, he loves me so much it is like looking at me. My poor parents I don't know how they did it. Because on top of everything Ashley is I also did not sleep period Ashley does sleep at night for the most part. The night of this video she went to bed at 6pm woke up at 7:15 am or so. Here is the video.
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