Sunday Chloe woke up with a runny nose and Michael worked tell like 10pm on Saturday we decided no church today. Let Chloe and Michael rest, Michael also had more work to do at home. Later after work was done we decided to go play because that it what you do when you have a one year old who needs rest you drag her along. LOL. Michael's dad found a swimming hole off the duck river and we decided to check it out. It was great lots of fun, a little meerky but warm. We are embracing being a Tennessean and swimming in rivers with the snakes, sturgeons and snapping turtles. There I go getting off track again. Well it was lots of fun Emily took to it right away who knew she would be such a river rat. Ashley was nervous but had every right to be she almost drown on Friday. And Chloe is Chloe she again has not been feeling well but loved it!! Uncle Joe and grandma showed up with Isabella, Irelynn, Shania, Loryn and Brody. So lots of fun was had with lots of kids. I will admit it made be very nervous for the little kids but we had fun. Loryn lost a flip flop, Shania did too. Some very nice "rednecks" found Loryns flip flop and brought it back to us the advantages of having a HOT PINK flip flop. Shania was not so lucky with her black flip flop. And uncle Joe lost his glasses Irelynn threw them in the water. We had a great time we came not really prepared to stay long but stayed almost three hours. The girls and us had a really fun time, will have to do it again. On the down side Monday morning Emily and Ashley said their tummies hurt and Ashley had diarrhea but I don't know if it was all by chance, but of course I think the kids are dying from the duck river. A little rest and they say they feel better. We are going to take it SLOW the rest of the week since we are going to the smokie mountains this weekend for 4th of July.
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