Chloe is growing up, I am seeing more glimpses of her being a big girl then a baby. Her hair is getting so long it is beautiful and straight. Everyone is jealous of her hair even me!! Chloe's eyes are turning more green then blue these days. They are so pretty like a sea foam green. I see her smile and her expressions I think she looks a lot like Emily did at that age. I love listening to Chloe talk, most of the time. She talks a lot right now. We went from no words to lots of words. She also is starting to shorten a lot of words when she talks it is pretty funny. She calls me "Ma" and Michael "Da" she says "I need to go pep." Instead of pee pee or potty. Chloe loves her sisters, and Hazel too. Chloe is loving gymnastics and Coach Donna. Chloe was sick on Monday night with strep, she got sick in her sleep. It was gross. She hates her medicine and keeps telling me she is all better!! She is doing much better now. She is trying to walk more and more. She will even run now. Chloe has become very bossy at times she wants to only watch Mickey Mouse or Rocket ship. She loves gold fish and hates most dinners. She loves to talk on the phone.
I am enjoying watching Chloe grow up I can't wait to see what awaits her. She is going to Pre-school next year and she is so excited!!
Chloe is 36lbs right now and wears a size 3T or 4T shirt and 3t pants.
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