Thursday was great had a really nice Thanksgiving with Michael's family and one of our friends. Again the kids all play well together and I am glad we get to spend that time together. I saw this sign on Pinterest It says: Grandma's House Where cousins go to become best friends. Mission accomplished.
Infact if you come to play at grandma's house I think you become a cousin in my kids eyes.
Side story: Recently a close friend and her kids moved, plus husband. We had a good bye play date/party with them. After they left Emily said "now how many cousins do I have in TN?" I had to explain that Canden and Blake were not cousins they were just good friends. It thought it was so sweet.
Any way back to the weekend. Thursday night we suprised the girls by letting all three of them sleep over at grandma's. Isn't Grandma and grandpa the best?? I was taking Michael out for his first ever Black Friday experiance. I went last year with a friend and her sister it was crazy, awesome and cold. Everyone should do it once. Michael and I decied to keep it simple and just do Target. Close to home. We left the girls went home watched a movie Super 8. Changed our clothes to warmer and left the house at 11pm for a midnight opening. Michael was shocked at the line. I was not... experiance from last year I was just thankful it was not snowing like last year. Cold but dry is always better to me.
Anyway we waited and waited and waited. We got in got what we wanted you will laugh because we did not get any of the "big ticket items" again we went for experiance. We got 4 Razor scooter that light up exclusive to Target and for a $ 15 savings (per scooter). Hake and Jenny wanted scooters too but did not want to wait in line. Aren't we nice? We got something I can't talk about... and make up for the girls a 5 dollar savings per set. I know we are LAME. But it was fun and exciting. So the video is part of the line. Watching everyones faces was too funny when they saw the line I wish I would have gotten that on video.
Wow that is just Thursday. Friday was nice since we did not have the girls we slept in tell 9:45 woo hoo. So awesome in it's self let me say. Had breakfast and went to get the girls. Put up some of the decorations for out side.
Saturday I woke up at 5:45am and went to the Zappo's outlet with some wonderful ladies. It was so much fun. It is a 3 hour drive there and we made good time. Since we had Katie the time keeper with us. Nicole and her sister Taylor were going and Katie and I tagged along. Here is the catch husbands had to work, except mine. Michael watched Hazel and Zane from 6 am tell 3pm, when we got home, plus my three. Then at about 10:45 Chad showed up with Katie's two kids and Michael watched them also. So Michael had two 6 year olds, three 4 year olds, one 2 year old and one 1 year old. The one year old's nick name is RomyNO. If that gives you a clue.
Serious people Michael could have won husband of the year that day!! Thank you Michael. I did not get anything great but we had lots of fun shopping and talking in the 6 hour drive. Plus we had a kid free lunch!!
We also got our tree, saw cousins again. And were super tired all of us.
Sunday we decorated the tree finished the decorations outside and inside. I stayed home all day never left my jammies but to shower before bed and change into clean jammies. We all needed it before we hit the new week running again.
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