I don't think I did a Chloe post about her what she is like now that she is two... after she turned two. I know I did her stats. Really Chloe is changing so much right now it is crazy. So I think I should give you'll an up date.
Chloe is a princess. She is a girl and if you call her anything besides girl she gets mad. Or call her baby girl, or princess girl, birdie girl but make sure you call her "GIRL." She points at her self and says "girl." There is not much Chloe says clear yet. She says "hehe" for horse-ie. She knows every Disney princesses name, but does not know many animal sounds. She calls cow's horses too. She is a bit obsessed with horses and princesses. Ohh and purple. It is hard to dress Chloe again. It is really purple or nothing right now...
Mom that purple dress from Marshall's with the tulle gets warn a lot, and the Naarjite bird dress. You can get her to wear ruffles and pink some. Michael put her in a he-he shirt and green skirt and she was mad!! Really, really mad. Chloe likes to play mommy where is is the mommy and I am the daughter or Michael is the son.
Chloe thinks she can swim, which causes her to sink a lot. She did try to kick back to the surface today. She does not in hale or panic I think she is doing pretty good. But it drives me crazy I can't put a float on her or I should say she refuses a float. You can't take your eyes off her for a second, because she thinks she can swim.
If you ask her why she did something she says "cause" with a New Jersey accent. She says a lot of groans still, will not say "yes." She says thank you a lot and it is sooo cute. She loves to copy Emily and Ashley.
She sleeps in her big girl bed every night like a champ, I am so proud. She wakes up to early though. She still naps huge plus compared to Ashley.
She does not want to pee in the potty, she will poop if she tells you. She likes her princess pull ups. She will not dress her self or help. She can not buckle her self or even put her straps on these are things Emily and Ashley could do by her age now. She is a true baby, a third child.
She is soo sweet and so mean. She is the perfect mixture of sugar and spice. I could not imagine life with out Chloe. Having three is crazy and busy but I could not picture life with out any of them, that is for sure.
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