Saturday, July 30, 2011

What I am reading...

I have a stack of books to read from my mom. But I just can't get into any of them right now. So I ordered the Duggars 20 and counting. I loved it read it in two days. I will next read A Love That Multiplies also by the Duggars. I love reading about people and about them. I am nosey and this helps me get my fix. I guess you could say. I love a sneak peak into people's lives.

I will then next read The Pioneer Woman's Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. I love her food so why should I not love her book? Her kids book Charlie the Ranch dog is awesome also. I ordered that but it's up stairs already been read numerous times already.


Day 2 of clothing picks

So I took a picture just in her Jammie and diaper because she is cute. She loves having her picture taken. I put a picture of Chloe picking her clothes, well her top she already had picked out her skirt. I layed out 4 shirts for her to pick from she picked Minne Mouse, 4th of July tee. So she is wearing creme and white and I am okay with that.

Emily is wearing a cute Nana pick, Gymboree shirt, with Naarjtie pink shorts another Nana, buy I guess I should say. Both cute but not really together. Emily did have jeans on this morning because it was raining but I reminded her just because there is rain that it would not be remotely cool. In fact it will be worse.

Ashley: Love the skit, but not with the shirt. I do not love the shirt (sorry mom). It is a Zoey t-shirt, I like it for jammies. But I will leave her in it, and we are even headed to a birthday party in a bit too.

So I realize this is probably really boring to everyone but my mom possibly even my mom. But I think this will be good for the girls to see when they get older and I enjoy clothes too. Also I think it is a great way to look at the girls every day and see any changes. Like Ashley feather fell out two days ago. And Emily lost another tooth... did I say that already. So we are down two now. She now talks funny and eats funny. But the food aspect is not slowing her down a bit.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Emily and Chloe

I picked out Emily's clothes last night last time I will for a while I promise because once school starts I have to help her be "normal" a bit. I did straighten Emily's already straight hair but it does help with the fly aways. Emily is getting so big and she is pretty tan too.

Chloe dressing her is a chore as I always say. Michael did it this morning. He had to coax her into wearing shorts. Thank the lord we had purple shorts with pockets, because just purple shorts were not cutting it. She likes skirts and shorts only! Her feather is sticking up in a kinda Pocahontas way. I had to straighten her hair too because she can't be left out. But sure is a waste of my time, I will say that. Chloe's hair is so soft. Chloe does like her Beatles t-shirt that says "all you need is LOVE." Now you know why I bought it for her. It makes me see how much she has grown that shirt use to be much longer on her. Sigh.



This is something I am going to try until school starts. (only like 13 more days.) I am going to try and take a picture of the girls everyday. I love too see how they dress them selves. I truly love to pick out there clothes for them but I like them to do it too, to express them selves.

This morning I was straighting my hair Ashley asked if I would do hers too. I have done it a few times before but today I could not get it perfect for her! It is really straight right now and it actually kind of looks like Chloe's. But Ashley says it's not good it's ugly. I don't think she likes the way it lays straight. It will be curly soon as she drinks something and twrils her hair in her finger like her uncle Jake. (his hair is too short to do it now, but he use too.)

Here are some pictures of how tan Ashley is, I put sun block on her everytime it's just the way she is. She is pretty normal now with her clothes today. I made her change out of skirt because I don't want it to get ruined. We are going to spend the morning at Isreal and Caleb's and they play hard there.

Emily just touched Ashley's hair and Ashley just melted down again. Ohh how will the teen years be. At least I know her curly hair pain, and I will help her as much as I can.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I don't think I did a Chloe post about her what she is like now that she is two... after she turned two. I know I did her stats. Really Chloe is changing so much right now it is crazy. So I think I should give you'll an up date.

Chloe is a princess. She is a girl and if you call her anything besides girl she gets mad. Or call her baby girl, or princess girl, birdie girl but make sure you call her "GIRL." She points at her self and says "girl." There is not much Chloe says clear yet. She says "hehe" for horse-ie. She knows every Disney princesses name, but does not know many animal sounds. She calls cow's horses too. She is a bit obsessed with horses and princesses. Ohh and purple. It is hard to dress Chloe again. It is really purple or nothing right now...

Mom that purple dress from Marshall's with the tulle gets warn a lot, and the Naarjite bird dress. You can get her to wear ruffles and pink some. Michael put her in a he-he shirt and green skirt and she was mad!! Really, really mad. Chloe likes to play mommy where is is the mommy and I am the daughter or Michael is the son.

Chloe thinks she can swim, which causes her to sink a lot. She did try to kick back to the surface today. She does not in hale or panic I think she is doing pretty good. But it drives me crazy I can't put a float on her or I should say she refuses a float. You can't take your eyes off her for a second, because she thinks she can swim.

If you ask her why she did something she says "cause" with a New Jersey accent. She says a lot of groans still, will not say "yes." She says thank you a lot and it is sooo cute. She loves to copy Emily and Ashley.

She sleeps in her big girl bed every night like a champ, I am so proud. She wakes up to early though. She still naps huge plus compared to Ashley.

She does not want to pee in the potty, she will poop if she tells you. She likes her princess pull ups. She will not dress her self or help. She can not buckle her self or even put her straps on these are things Emily and Ashley could do by her age now. She is a true baby, a third child.

She is soo sweet and so mean. She is the perfect mixture of sugar and spice. I could not imagine life with out Chloe. Having three is crazy and busy but I could not picture life with out any of them, that is for sure.


Sun Kissed

We spent the morning at the pool. Like from 9:30 to 1pm. The girls got sun kissed. I did put sun block on them, and the sun was not that hot but it was there. The girls had a great time swimming and we were the only ones pretty much there all morning.

When we got home Ashley saw Emily naked and said "mommy look at that white butt." I said "Ashley yours looks like that too." She denied this fact... Ashley is the most tannest of the girls besides me. I am so thankful they tan and not burn. Some times they get a bit red but not burnt!

We took the rest of day easy Emily has been wanting to help clean up got to take advantage of that.


Tooth Fairy

Late Monday night... well not really to late past the girls bed time Emily came running down stairs her tooth was twisted side ways and bleeding. I had to rip it out! Michael was on the phone with a client and I could not call him to do it. It was gross. But I did it. Michael got off the phone put the tooth in a envelope and Emily put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy.

Well the next morning Emily came out crying "the tooth fairy took my tooth but did not leave money." The money fell behind the bed. Michael had to help her find it. Well in the office Michael left the envelope and tooth sitting out. I quickly hid it under the key board if the computer.

Ashley found the tooth later, I had to coax her into not telling Emily that she found her tooth. Luckily Ashley is so young she did not put it together, why we had it. I gave Ashley a cookie and she did not share the secret with Ashley which is amazing since usually if you tell Ashley anything and say don't tell it's the first words out of her mouth next.

So we have finally entered the world of toothless-ness because of age not knocking out teeth with sippy cups. Hey I think Emily and Ashley are missing the same tooth, the score is even. Although Emily should be loosing another one any day now.

Monday, July 25, 2011

My big girl is SIX!

I can't believe Emily is six! It feels like just a year or two, not yesterday that I had her. That I was a new mommy who did not believe in pacifiers until on the 1st full night in the hospital and Emily would not stop crying. I had to go pee, and she was screaming her head off, Michael was asleep on the couch thing. A nurse came in to check on us, I am sure to make sure I was not killing her and Michael rolled over to the other side and slept more while the nurse tried to help me. I looked at her and said "do you have a pacifier?"

Well six years later I still can't get her to be quite! Emily loves to talk, loves to sign. She is passionate in everything she does and sometimes gets overwhelmed and that leads to crying and fits. She like to dance in her own way, she loves to boss her sisters around. She loves, loves, loves art. There are not many things besides art she likes.

After her birthday party, Emily said "wow I sure did get a lot of art stuff." I replied with "well there is not much else you do like..." She said "I like food, and friends." I asked her "would you like people to give you food, for your birthday?"

Emily loves to eat, California rolls, octopus legs, mussels, steak, soup and lots of fruit. She would eat all day if I would let her. She is still and skinny as a pole which makes finding bottoms a bit hard right now.

Emily loves yellow most of all right now and purple next. She likes pink too and other colors. Emily for the past 5 days has been really good, agreeable, kind and a good listener. Six has been a good age so far. Even when she cries I can get her to calm down much easier too. But maybe after six years I am finally figuring out how to deal with her.

Emily has a hart for Jesus and others. She is worried about others. It may not be for the right reasons but she has a servants hart.

I am so proud of Emily and how far she has come this past year and summer with her school work and reading. We are working on writing thank you notes. She is doing all the work! I keep telling everyone summer time is to remind parents who do not want to home school, why they don't want to home school.

Emily is growing up in so many ways. She still loves to sleep with her sister in her big bed every night we are going to have to break them of it before school starts. It won't be fun to do.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Final thoughts on the day.

By end of day. Emily's new school shoes showed up. Her twinkle toe bribery shoes for learning how to tie her shoes. Aren't they sooo cute?

Also my poor Chloe she loves a birthday party but she was having a hard time that the party and presents were not for her!! Here is a picture of her crying during present time. Mrs. Krissy, Mrs. Nicole and Mrs Lea all have more compassion for this crying girl then me. Thank you ladies for loving my daughter almost as much as me!

It poured the rest of the day we watched lots of tv, made sticker pets, painted rocks, broke out the art sets, played video games. It was a good birthday, never even left the house today!


Presents and more

I would like to say thank you to Krissy and Jenny for taking pictures. And if anyone else did for helping. I even got some pictures of me so you know I was there. Thank you to my friends who helped with my other crazy kids...

Emily was spoiled beyond belief and we will not be shopping in the art section anytime soon. We have art for days!! Maybe even years. Eraca gave Emily an art set bigger and taller then her. I am so blessed to have wonderful friends for my self and my kids. I wish all of my friends could have come with there kids but we were already at 20 kids today crazy!!

Thank you again I am overwhelmed with how generous you all are!! Jenny I told you she would love canvases!!

Party part II

I chose a pull string pinata with this group big sticks are not such a good idea! Just kidding but really I did not want some one getting hurt and dad was not there to help. Kids loved the loot and a good reason to get the kids and moms outside in the heat for a bit. We also had bobing for apples witch was a huge hit too. Who knew I did not get any pictures but I think I put to much water in I added ice to make it extra cold. It was perfect. Next was cake. Emily I think was a bit over whelmed by everyone singing to her.


Party in the ZOO.

We had face painting by Heather she was awesome. Thank you. We had bow decorating, to made look like head bands, Caleb took part. Lydia, Heather's daughter was such a help in the bow decorating. We had movie stars not really but doesn't Ella look famous?

Even some of the boys got into the face painting, or hand painting.

Emily wanted a craft birthday but I knew most of the boy Friends not "boyfriends" would not want to do art. So at least had a craft table set up with bow decorating. I think it was a huge success. Also face painting was lots of fun. Such a simple easy add on to the party. Heather works for CHEAP too.
We also blew up the jumpy too for some more good party fun. It was hot I wanted cool inside things for the kids to do.
