If you looked at my calendar right now you would say "ohh my." I am so busy with end of the year stuff. And it is not every day stuff or stuff that takes all day but it is A LOT to remember. We have guest right now family friends, staying with us. And we have, my mom coming in Friday (yippee) dance recitals and soccer games.
Ohh and birthday parties for a cousin turning 2!!
On top of the next 11 days of crazy, we are leaving to California the day after school gets out!! I am so excited yet so nervous. Excited to go and see everyone, nervous that I get everything all taken care of before it is time to go.
I am a planner and a list maker. Can I say I have S-L-O-W-L-Y started packing for this trip. I know I am CRAZY. But it makes me feel better. I already bought diapers for the trip and have the pull ups for Ashley. (She is a bed wetter, still)
In fact I was trying to have a shoe conversation with Michael on the phone today. He said we can talk about it later. I need to pack a back pack and a small cooler. We have to take car seats, no strollers this time. Camera, and ipads, coloring books, movies, lots and lots of CRAP. Good crap, I only want two suit cases full. Will see how all that works out. I will post pictures of chickens and mothers day soon.
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