I am in a blogging rut, well really Emily has been having a really hard time which makes for not so much fun to blog about our weekends. The above picture was a high light from our weekend. I was worried to let the girls eat this strawberry. I think it was genetically altered, maybe a growth hormone. Anyway I let them eat it, can't waste a good strawberry. In fact I found another one and put it in Emily lunch this morning. We got the altered strawberries at Costco on Saturday. In Costco I just had to laugh, Michael asked "why I was laughing?" It was the laugh of well it's better then crying... Emily is all over the place right now. And I was just laughing at our life, because there is nothing else to do but cry.
I think Emily's issue is she needs a SNOW day we are out of snow and are holding out for SPRING BREAK. It is almost two weeks away. She went to bed with out a story last night because she did something I asked her not too. It was stupid and silly but I had to prove a point Michael and I both did. Taking away story time is huge for Emily so maybe she will listen more now. I am serious. Emily is so good at school never complains, never pulls a bear that is bad. So I guess when she gets home its over the listening quota is filled for the day?? So some hours are better then others, but it has been a rough two weeks. Michael just had to laugh on Sunday too. It was one of those just nothing else to say or do but laugh at our life. Don't get me wrong it's a good life we are blessed but three girls and it is a hormone mess some days, some weeks. Ashley has been on and off acting out, she just got back her t-rex today after not having it all weekend.
We had a low key weekend. I had a baby shower on Sunday, for a friend and the kids stayed home with Michael. They had lots of fun, lots of melt downs. Forgot to give Chloe a nap...I don't know how you forget that.
It was a hard weekend we are trying to talk to Emily love her but be firm with her. We surprised her at lunch on Friday with pizza, that made her happy. I am really having to work to make this girl happy in little ways. We have got to snap out of this.
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