So I have not been blogging much, I have wanted too, but just have not wanted to make the time. Funny things that have been said around here lately are:
1) Ashley told Michael he was strong like Jesus this morning. She is really getting into God and Jesus now that she is going to school.
2) Last night the girls were taking a bath and Ashley was splashing water was getting out of the tub, I told Ashley to stop splashing she was getting all wet. I guess I forgot that getting wet is what the bath is for. I really meant to tell her I was getting wet. But after I herd myself say it, it sounded kinda stupid.
( I know should not say stupid, its a bad word.)
3) Yesterday I herd the best sound from all three girls the deep belly laugh. I forget now what each of them doing at the time I think Emily's came from tickling Ashley. But I love hearing the deep belly laugh. They all do little chuckles each day but a deep belly laugh is hard to get or maybe I should say hard for me to hear or catch through out the day. I love when I get to hear one and I herd one from all three of the kids in one day. Emily was home sick yesterday strep throat got her good. It was kinda nice to have her home for two days.
But I will say by yesterday afternoon Emily and Ashley were going at each other. They are use to spending so much time together anymore.
Spring break starts on Friday and I am excited to have Emily home for a few days and do some fun stuff. Zoo, park little stuff but stuff Emily misses out on a lot.
As I write this now Ashley has Caden and Blake over to play after school. There momma, Mrs. Lea is in Africa on a medical missions trip. I asked Caden if he got to talk to her and he said we have gotten messages from her and a baby pee peed on her face but she got it off. I know Lea is having an amazing time, I am so happy for her.
My busy season is about to start. Soccer starts Thursday night for Ashley and Friday night for Emily. We will not have first games tell the next Saturday but I am excited. I love soccer season, I love being a soccer mom.
So many random thoughts going on so I will end it now.