Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rocking out!!

A neighbor girl down the street is into photography, she got a new lens. She was looking for people to take pictures of!!! O-oo-oh my girls please, I love having the girls pictures taken. Jenny my sister-in-law does an amazing job but she is soo busy, we get to squeeze in. But the other day with Amilia was fun, and Amilia was very patient with my kids who do not like having their pictures taken. We made it easy and did it in the front yard! The grass is soo green right now, and I wanted to use the drums in some pictures. I did not want to drag the drums to some unknown destination. Above is some of the fun pictures with Amilia and the girls. I must say the girls have some crazy style but I love it, encourage it, and am a bit embarrassed some of the time. I really hate those cowboy boots. Anyway the best part was the weather and the fact that the girls jammin' on the drums drowned out the sound of the barking dogs!! Photobucket

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Husband

So I have been posting about all the work we have been doing on the house. Michael found an amazing deal on some cabinets and we (he) installed them in our office. Michael also made the counter tops too!! I know there might not be much he can't do. It is still a work in progress but I am really excited and proud of how it turned out. Michael did such a good job. We have more then enough storage for everything now. Emily wants to move her stuff in but not going to happen the office is off limits to little people.

I got the office all cleaned up this morning. This room is the brightest room in the house as far as color but with all the browns I think it works. We want this to be our Caribbean themed office. We aren't real good on following up with themes.


This little piggy

So how can you resist these little piggies? I love Chloe's little toes I love seeing them painted too. But I don't so much like painting them... Really she just moves a lot. Anyway I could not resist showing you her toes. Chloe is getting so big this morning she helped me vacuum the floors, clean the glass and tried to change her own diaper.

I think as soon as I can teach Chloe how to say "I have to go pee pee." Will be trained but her vocabulary is no where near that. She is trying to Ashley she almost has it and Emily is jealous. Chloe is trying to say Emily too but it is hard to say who knew. Chloe can say "Zayzel" which is "Hazel." She is trying. She points to her self if she talking about herself or if anyone is saying her name.

She is still a momma's girl, but loves to snuggle with her daddy every morning with her cold feet all over him.

(please ignore all my dirty vents.)

Monday, March 28, 2011

painting the afternoon away

We have been doing a lot of work to the house, well Michael has. So the girls painted away the afternoon, I thought I had taken more pictures but I did not. Ohh well. Emily loves to paint, draw, color. She is trying and getting better.

Pictures of the house stuff to come soon...


Ready...maybe NOT.

SO Saturday was suppose to be the girls first soccer games!!! Wooo hooo, we woke up and it was cold but not raining. But guess what they had already canceled all games. That sucked because my kids were actually wanting to PLAY!! Let's face it my kids "like" soccer but do they ever really want to play?? Hmm, well Saturday could have been the day. But it was not not, they canceled before it could even happen, it did not start raining tell 11is, our games would have so been over by then. Here is a few pictures of the girls all dressed up ready for soccer even though it did not happen. Even Chloe was ready I got out Emily's old lime green jersey from her first year of playing. I figure Chloe can be the Green Monsters mascot. So we spent the rest of the day running around looking for things... We got breakfast burritos at Taco Express. Yum, makes me want one just writing this. The girls all love them. We ended out our Spring break hanging close to home and enjoying daddy being home with us. The girls said they had a good week at home with me. That makes me happy. We did not do too much and nothing that really cost anything and I think that is the best kind of fun.

We got a package from Nana Saturday afternoon!! Even I got something, thanks mom. The girls are putting together a package to send to you.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A good day

Today was a good day. We went to the jump Zone, and girls bounced and bounced. I guess I should say Emily and Ashley bounced and played. Chloe she ate, and ate.

We have been having a great spring break. We played play doh while dinner cooked, and cleaned up the playroom. It has been nice to have Emily home, and healthy.

I tried to take pictures today but my memory card was not in...Ugh. If it is not one thing it is another. I curled all three girls hair this morning, a glimpse into my future perhaps? Chloe I only did a few strands her hair is soo short and she is so small it is quite silly to curl her hair but she thinks she should be treated like a big girl.

Thursday is Zoo day, it will be much colder tomorrow but I think that will be better for the Zoo anyway.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So my girls are so different. Michael and I talk about that a lot lately. How different they are. How strong all their personalities are too.

Even with there sleeping and getting up skills they are so different.
Emily is not a real morning person, unless Nana is here. And Emily is not a night owl she needs her sleep, about 10, 11 hours a night.
Ashley is a night owl. She could stay up late every night if we would let her. If Ashley gets a nap during the day she will be up late that night, if she gets woken up in the middle of the night she will be up for at least a couple of hours in the middle of the night. Ashley like to sleep in, now she is a kid so sleeping in is like 7-8am. She woke up this morning after going to bed late last night and said to Michael " I should have gone to bed earlier."
Chloe she is my morning bird, she is a morning girl. The other morning she woke up and I could hear on the baby monitor "hey, hey, HEY!" She is happy in the morning for the most part.

Now we put our kids to bed early. At about 7pm. As it stays light later they will go to bed later. Sometimes we feel bad that the kids go to bed so early but they need it. My kids are funny, the later they go to bed the earlier they wake up and the crankier they are.

I think it is so funny how different they are there little quarks they all have. This morning Michael spent 10 minutes with Chloe getting her dressed. She already has a say in her clothes. Now mind you this kid does NOT talk. So if she does not like what she is wearing she will throw a fit tell you take it off. Chloe did not like her jammies, last night she kept throwing a fit so she slept topless only with shorts on because she did not "like" any of her jammies.

Clothes are a huge issue in the Lindsey family. Pray for us, and the teenage years.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break was off to a good start this past Friday. Emily got to spend the night Thursday night with Grandma and Grandpa. Friday morning Isreal and Caleb showed up so EMily was having a great time playing with her favorite person, Isreal.

Ashley, Chloe and I met up with a friend to go shopping at another friends store. Then headed to grandma's house also. We played tell 3, and headed home. The girls were all very tired. So spring break is off to a great start. The weather here has been perfect. Warm, cloudy and breezy. THis weekend was almost boring, but it was kind of nice too. We just hung out, did not do much.

Michael and I did sneak out Saturday night for a HOT DATE!! Well not really but we went and saw a movie. We put the girls to bed, and the babysitter showed up and we saw a late movie of the Lincoln Lawyer. It was alright but hey it had Matthew McConahay in it. We have now seen two movies in two weeks. I know we are wild!! It was fun and nice to get out.

With the first day of Spring over the weekend and the huge moon, we also got the invasion of ANTS! Ugh I hate ants, the bug guy just left here I had him come spray. The girls are pissed because they have to eat snacks at the table, but I can't handle the ants.

So Monday day four of spring break is going good. I had a dentist appointment, my teeth are good!! That is always good news and more playing at grandma's house with Isreal and Caleb again. I love the spring, it is truly my favorite time of year in Tennessee. (okay spell check is not working. Sorry.)



We had our first soccer practices on Thursday night for Ashley and Friday night for Emily. The girls both did really good. I am excited to see how this years soccer season's go.

I have a feeling this could Emily's last season. Emily took some breaks "sitting on her ball," but would get right back up and practice.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks day

So this is how Chloe has been all day fussy. So happy St. Patricks day from us.
My dear friend Nicole made the girls their skirts, aren't they great?

Michael claims he is Irish...but we will have Nacho's tonight for dinner I know we are more mexican then Irish. Also I am not a fan of cabbage.

Tonight is the start to Spring Break!!!! I am excited, check back with me at the end of the week to see if I still feel the same.


California bound in 68 days

No one is really counting down, I just grabbed the calendar to make it more dramatic, I guess. I did however have to make a count down chain for EMily so she under stood we were going at the end of school, in summer. Not Spring break this coming Friday. So here is a picture of my paper chain, the girls are loving it. It has really helped Emily visualize how long until we go. We are still working on Ashley.

But really let me just say I need a transporter... not a time machine. I need a little beam me up scotty for our car with our stuff in it. We are a large family I guess 5 people, but three car seats. We take up a lot of room. I wish we could bring our car with us. Is it sad how much I love my car?? How much I already know I am going to miss it, when we are there? I will say we are so blessed that my dad is going to let us barrow his car while we are there. But it is just a five seater so it will be a tight fit.

I know we will be having so much fun once we get there but I am having a bit of anixity about us getting there. We have so many people we want to see, and 6 days is really not a lot of time.

We are taking the girls to Disneyland for their first time and I am super pumped about this!!!

So if anyone has a transporter they will let me use I will be forever greatful, I guess we watch too much Phineas and Ferb. (kids show.)


A good Wednesday

We had a good Wednesday we got to take two of Ashley's favorite people home from school today with us Caden and Blake. She loves these two boys sooo much, I must say Chloe thinks Blake is pretty awesome too. Emily is growing up and so sure about the boys anymore, but she was super happy to see them when she got home from school. Someone besides her sisters to jump with her on the trampoline.

They colored outside because it was such a nice day getting warmer but still a bit windy. The pictures are of them coloring. We had dance class a little bit after they left. I love this time of year, weather is good, we are getting busy and when we get home it is not dark yet. Action packed keeps us moving.

Tonight is Ashley's first soccer practice!!! Of the season I should say she played last year too.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So I have not been blogging much, I have wanted too, but just have not wanted to make the time. Funny things that have been said around here lately are:
1) Ashley told Michael he was strong like Jesus this morning. She is really getting into God and Jesus now that she is going to school.
2) Last night the girls were taking a bath and Ashley was splashing water was getting out of the tub, I told Ashley to stop splashing she was getting all wet. I guess I forgot that getting wet is what the bath is for. I really meant to tell her I was getting wet. But after I herd myself say it, it sounded kinda stupid.
( I know should not say stupid, its a bad word.)
3) Yesterday I herd the best sound from all three girls the deep belly laugh. I forget now what each of them doing at the time I think Emily's came from tickling Ashley. But I love hearing the deep belly laugh. They all do little chuckles each day but a deep belly laugh is hard to get or maybe I should say hard for me to hear or catch through out the day. I love when I get to hear one and I herd one from all three of the kids in one day. Emily was home sick yesterday strep throat got her good. It was kinda nice to have her home for two days.

But I will say by yesterday afternoon Emily and Ashley were going at each other. They are use to spending so much time together anymore.
Spring break starts on Friday and I am excited to have Emily home for a few days and do some fun stuff. Zoo, park little stuff but stuff Emily misses out on a lot.

As I write this now Ashley has Caden and Blake over to play after school. There momma, Mrs. Lea is in Africa on a medical missions trip. I asked Caden if he got to talk to her and he said we have gotten messages from her and a baby pee peed on her face but she got it off. I know Lea is having an amazing time, I am so happy for her.
My busy season is about to start. Soccer starts Thursday night for Ashley and Friday night for Emily. We will not have first games tell the next Saturday but I am excited. I love soccer season, I love being a soccer mom.

So many random thoughts going on so I will end it now.


Monday, March 14, 2011


On our way home from our date and picking up the girls from Cindy, thank you for watching them!!! I told Emily I would be coming to help in her art class on Monday and Michael said "as long as no one gets sick." He did it, he said it, he jinxed it. I thought to myself after he said that why would you say that, great who is going to get sick?? Eh, yuck.

Sure enough the girls fell asleep mostly on the way home we plan for this jammies on and baths at grandmas. Settle everyone down, great end to a good weekend. But at 3am Emily wakes me with "I puked on grandma's snuggie." "huh, ohh, eww, okay, I am coming." There it goes its over...Emily is sick. Sure enough she did lucky it was easy clean up, get puke bucket, yes we have one and try and go back to sleep. Every little noise I hear for an hour after that I think is someone else getting sick before I fall back asleep.

The good news is with all of this is that the time changed this past weekend so we now got to ease into it and not hurry around like zombies this morning. Ashley still went to school, she is healthy, we pay for her school she is going.

It's 1pm and we have been to the doctor it's strep, yeah!!! At least it is a easy fix, no school today or tomorrow. Emily gets a super short week, she will go Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday starts spring break. Picked up FREE medicine at the store!!! Best part of my day so far. Anyway everyone is napping while Ashley is at school.
The day can only get better right?


A good weekend

So I have been horrible about taking pictures. But in my defense, we had a great weekend and I just wanted to enjoy it. I should have taken pictures though. We went to Ashley's friend Crue's party Saturday it was super hero theme, plus "pony rides." But really they were horses. Emily was the only one of my kids to ride, Ashley did not want too. Chloe was a home with Michael sleeping. I will be glad when nap time is gone and we can enjoy more things as a family and not have to plan out our day around nap times. But then again I do love the peace and quite I am enjoying right now. Mixed emotions I guess.

But this weekend was so much better then the last few weeks. Emily was in a great mood Friday, Saturday and Sunday!! Thank the LORD. It really is sad when one crankie kid can ruin everything, I hate that she has that power or really I guess that we give her that power. Michael and I joke we have to "break Emily spirit," every once in awhile and I think that is what we had to do again. Not beat her or anything like that but show her that her actions have consequences. That when she does not listen she goes to bed with out a story, little things like that really get Emily. That is really getting her where it hurts, but she then knows we mean business.

Anyway a great weekend is what we had, Michael has been working a lot on the office. (pictures to come soon.) Lots of runs to hardware stores, and to get soda, its our weakness we don't drink alcohol we drink Coke, Pepsi. The girls played outside, they jumped, they climbed they helped Michael move wood. Michael got to go out on a date Sunday afternoon too!! We went shopping at TjMaxx and office Depot!! I know we are big spenders. Then we went to the movies and saw Adjustment Bureau. It was really good, (I thought kinda Si-fi, love story) Matrix-y, with a bit of "angel kind of stuff." (that was the ehh part). I enjoyed it and it was nice spending some time with Michael alone.


Friday, March 11, 2011

saving a the day

Emily has been having a really rough time. We think she just ready for a break Spring break. So today she was suppose to have a friend over but they could not come because her sister is sick. So I am saving the day with a movie. I hope this weekend is better. 4 more school days until Spring break starts. Looking forward to Emily having a break and brighten all of our spirits. Its hard to enjoy a day when one of your kids is having such a bad day.

On the other hand Chloe is 21 months old today. I can't believe she is getting so big. She is learning new words like Santa, cat, hat, eye, cookie, bow, go, and yuck. Some are still hard to understand but at least she is trying. I got a break for a few hours today, that was nice. Cindy came up and watched Ashley and Chloe. This weekend some things will be getting "put together." I will have something to blog about then. And also hopefully a good weekend too.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I love when Ashley comes home in a good mood from school. She even made me a necklace, see the pictures. I was having a hard time taking the picture of myself. I don't take a good picture and a self portrait is always worse. I did not post the picture of me with a double chin. I will keep that for my self.

So Ashley made me a sweet necklace, Chloe is in a much better mood then yesterday. Yesterday I could have put her out on the curb for sale, or FREE. Today I quite like her I think she is getting to use too days of just her and momma.

I have been a busy momma all by 8am. I made 2 lunches, fed three kids breakfast, myself too, and started a roast in the crock pot for dinner. Wednesday nights we have dance and it is hard to come up with a quick good meal at home on Wednesday's. So this week I crock potted it up.

Gotta go Chloe has used socks on her hands, rubber boots on her feet, a super cute skirt on. Second outfit of the day the other one was too tight, and all dirty. Plus her diaper leaked at nap time. Yuck, just pee but yuck.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mega Mind

The girls watched Mega Mind yesterday after school. It looked really good did not hear any bad words and Ashley did not report to me any bad words. The sound track was really good. It reminded me a lot of Aliens vs. Monsters I really like that movie too. We may have to purchase Mega Mind. Despicable Me is another really good one too.

Just a random thought I thought I would share.
