Today we had soccer "testing" or something for Emily ages 4-5. Ashley has been signed up for soccer but was not asked to "test" today. Almost three year olds testing I guess would be a joke!! But Ashley knew that Emily had to test today. So Ashley got up this morning put her soccer shorts on and grabbed her new Orange soccer ball. She said she was ready. We kept telling her it was not her turn today but she would not hear it. So I let her go to practice ready to play with her ball. They never let her play and to make matters worst there was an Ashley there so everytime they called her name Ashley would get excited. To pause for a moment on Ashley she really is growing up, she speaks so well now and is really turning into a little girl. I had to go to bat with the YMCA about her being able to play since she is not quite three. This is going to be Ashley's life story since I took the Caster Oil 4 days later then I should have. That is right she is born 4 days after the cut off date. In her defense she should have been born like 10 -15 days after the cut off date. I took Caster Oil the day before my moms birthday Oct. 4 on purpose they could share the same birthday. It worked but if I would have known I would have done it sooner.
Now Ashley looks so small to us. Emily was really tall and had much bigger feet. Ashley has short legs and little feet but she has really grown this past year. She has moved up a size in shorts and pants too!!! Ashley does NOT eat much at ALL. But she still grows she loves milk and peanut butter sandwiches. Ashley is crazy and wild. Emily and her fight all the time. But then Ashley is hugging her telling Emily best friends forever!! I love you Ashley and you look just like your mama!!
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