Our camping trip in photos. We had a great trip. The drive up there went pretty well. We stopped just once for lunch and a once to pee... Ithink. We made great time and were there by 1 pm CST/ 2 pm EST. Check in was 1 pm. We drove through and found our sight. We had to sign a contract on not leaving anyfood out for the bears we had to keep it all in the car. This ment tooth paste, soap and bug spray also. This was our 5th camping trip in Tennessee and it was the cleanest one I guess because of all the rules.
Cindy and Marv came up on 4th of July also a day before the others. I love fire works but there was a burn band in Spring Hill so I am glad we were not at home or trying to see fire works with everyone else.
There was no cell coverage. We went exploring that first day a bit, set up camp. Got the girls some ice cream.
Grandma and grandpa showed up later we helped them set up too. I made a beef stew dinner for all of us. Stew meat, veggies of bell peper, onion, and yellow squash. Also a side of corn.
