I think I ended my last year in my 20's pretty well. Michael and I have done so much, grown so much. My last year in my 20's we found that we like canoing and it is a fun sport we can do with the family!! It is a great work out for my arms. We had many adventures in a canoe this year. I am sad we did not discover it sooner before some friends moved away. We enjoyed a few canoe adventures together this past year.
The girls have grown and got bigger.
Emily is a 6 year old budding artist. She would like to be a author/illustrator and I think she would be great at it. This past year Emily has taken many classes at the Spring Hill Painting with a Twist. She is enjoying first grade, but is looking forward to being 7. Oh my.
Ashley is now 4 and a wild banshee, her words not mine. She is a wild free spirit who is a bit sneaky. Ashley enjoys getting into trouble and dancing with her cousin Caleb, she plans to marry him.(it is legal in TN, I looked it up.) I don't know that Ashley has any life long goals yet. She loves to live in the moment and not think about the future. (or consequences) Ashley is so strong a great climber.
Chloe, princess Chloe. Chloe is 2 she is a loud yawner, cryer, laugh er. She enjoys lots of girly things and if it is not purple she probably will not wear it. She is the perfect princess baby for our family. Can't wait to see what other things she grows to love in the next year.
Michael and I took a gun caring class this last month it was lots of fun. I don't know that I will ever truly carry but it was lots of fun. I learned a lot. We also went rock climbing, indoor. I have no desire to climb out side. But another thing we really enjoyed doing and a good work out for my arms again. I need to find something for my legs. Emily and Ashley loved rock climbing too but, Princesses don't rock climb according to Chloe.
On the last day of this year after I turned 30, our last niece was born on Michael's side of the family. There are now 11 grand kids in total. 7 girls and 4 boys.
Found out I will have another 2nd cousin on my side. The family is growing.
I am excited to see what 2012 has to offer us. I hope more adventures, I would like to try zip lining and white water rafting this year!!!
I am pleased and proud of where life has taken us so far. I pray that Michael's business will continue to grow. That we will enjoy time as a family.
As a family we also discovered a love for bunnies!! Mr. Hop is a distant addition to our family as well.
I know there is so much more to mention but I get over loaded with it all. A big thank you to my mom for paying for the gun class for Christmas and watching the girls for 9 hours while we did the gun class.