What i need is some blue or white flocking they don't do that here. Or at least any place I have seen. As a teenage my mom and I experimented in tree fashions. We have had a pink tree, a purple tree, and a white one I think. Also a blow up tree. You know from the Deilia's catalog. Anyway we always did theme color ornaments to match the flocking.
So we have a blue, white, silver with a bit of gold tree this year. I like it better now the tree it's self still is not great but at least the decor is better. Still left up the colored lights because we are classy like that. That is another story to share when I show you our out side Christmas lights. But really it has to warm up enough for me to go out side for something like taking a picture but it will be well work the wait with the whole can you find the three wise men theme going on. Again off topic.
So I am impressed I got some of that crazy tulle from an awesome store cut it up and went to town. I did let the kids help, only the third tree to decorate!!
I am happy-er about the tree now. It is much prettier now too. Except for the un-usually longer branches.
Moral to the story my mom gets the kids a year ornament every year we are sticking to silver or brass for now on!! I love them, I love that I still have all of mine but we are done with the cute color ones.