Monday was off to a rough start. I got an email on Sunday night from Emily's teacher asking if I was approved yet for the field trip. They do FBI back ground checks, now. I had not gotten anything yet. So Monday I went to the school to find out if I was approved. Let me just say I know I would be approved. Never robbed a bank, did anything to kids I am a good girl. So I find out I am approved after telling two people that my name is Michelle Martinez Lindsey not Jennifer Michelle Lindsey. Jenny is the famous sister-in-law, the amazing and talented photographer. But let me tell you I did think if I am not approved for this field trip I will pretended to be Jennifer Michelle Lindsey. I am a mother first before a "good girl."
Any way so got that taken care of, off to the bank and Costco with the two little girls. Costco does not open tell 10 I was there at 9:30 ugh, this is not shaping up to be a good day. So we killed time at Toys r us got two cute dresses for the little girls. Little light gold sweater dresses matching. Emily will be mad at some point I know.
Got to Costco they are out of the applesauce the girls love. Nicole and I call it baby crack. Apple sauce in a bag. I will post a picture of it the kids love it and it is good for them bonus!!! Got some other healthy snacks, I am always trying. Well not really always but I do try.
Got home Chloe napped this is a high in the day for me. Ashley is having a bad day with her bladder issues. We have used the bathroom every place we stoped today.
Krissy was sweet to watch the girls so I could help in Emily's art class since I traded Jenny Monday for Tuesday with grandma Cindy babysitting. If you noticed this is my second time back to the school.
Did some quick stuff at home started making dinner early because we were going to a play date at a friends in the afternoon. I knew we would end up there later and the kids would be hungry when we got home. I was a head of the game.
Raced back out the door to pick Emily up at school. So we could go straight to Lea's house. Parked at the pool walked the path which is beautiful right now. Reminds me I should tell Jenny. (pictures.) Get to the school and no sign of Emily. I see her teacher and she freaks!! "I sent Emily on the bus!" She calls out "what bus number?" and runs to see if she can stop the bus. I see a neighbor and stop her, tell her to grab Emily if she gets home before me since I am not home. I also left my cell phone at home. Not a great day. Yeah so I said I took the walking trail. Umm yeah so Ashley and I ran back, pushing Chloe. Ashley kept up pretty well poor thing. All I could think was Emily was going to be crying on the front porch because I was not home. Raced home, I figure if a cop tried to pull me over he would have to wait tell I got home. My baby is more important. I made it home just as she was walking up the hill, mid way on our street.
I grabbed my cell, and off to Lea's we went. The rest of the afternoon was much better. So three times at school in one day and a miss placed daughter. I was wiped out. Her teacher did call about 20 mins after I left school to make sure I had gotten Emily okay.
I have resolved that Emily is a bus rider for ever more I will not change things up. I will work around bus drop off. Yes this all happened in one day.
P.S. Don't judge me because I have pictures of apple sauce. You never know when you might need it for a blog post.